

英日字典: continue

KK Pronunciation

〔 kәnˋtInjU 〕


〔 kәnˊtinjuː,-nju 〕

The continue has 10 Senses.

  • continue, retain, keep on, keep
  • 続ける, 保持, 持ち続ける, 留めおく, 留置く, 保つ, 保する, 維持, 留め置く, 継続
  • allow to remain in a place or position or maintain a property or feature; "We cannot continue several servants any longer"; "She retains a lawyer"; "The family's fortune waned and they could not keep their household staff"; "Our grant has run out and we cannot keep you on"; "We kept the work going as long as we could"; "She retained her composure"; "this garment retains its shape even after many washings"
  • ある場所またはその位置にとどまること、持っているものまたは特性を維持することを許容する

  • continue, persist in
  • do something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop; "We continued our research into the cause of the illness"; "The landlord persists in asking us to move"
  • 何かを繰り返し行い、停止する意思を示さない

  • continue
  • continue after an interruption; "The demonstration continued after a break for lunch"
  • 中断の後に継続する

  • continue, extend, cover
  • 及ぶ, 続く, 伸びる, 広がる, わたる
  • span an interval of distance, space or time; "The war extended over five years"; "The period covered the turn of the century"; "My land extends over the hills on the horizon"; "This farm covers some 200 acres"; "The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles"
  • 距離、スペース、または時間が及ぶ

  • continue
  • exist over a prolonged period of time; "The bad weather continued for two more weeks"
  • 長時間にわたって存在する

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