

英日字典: opposition

opposition   (Sound)

KK Pronunciation

〔 ˏɑpәˋzIʃәn 〕


〔 ˏɒpәˊziʃәn 〕

The opposition has 8 Senses.

  • resistance, opposition
  • 反撥, 反発, 反対, レジスタンス, 手向かい, 抵抗
  • the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with; "he encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens"; "despite opposition from the newspapers he went ahead"
  • 不賛成だったり同意しないものに抵抗する行為

  • confrontation, opposition
  • 対当, 反目, 対立, 対抗, 相対, 敵対
  • the act of hostile groups opposing each other; "the government was not ready for a confrontation with the unions"; "the invaders encountered stiff opposition"
  • お互いに対立しているグループ同士の反目する行為

  • opposition
  • a body of people united in opposing something
  • 何かに反対することでまとまった人々の集団

  • opposition
  • 野党
  • the major political party opposed to the party in office and prepared to replace it if elected; "Her Majesty's loyal opposition"
  • 選ばれた場合に、政権を握っている政党に反対し、それと交代する準備のある主要な政党

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