

英日字典: 全体


5 文書を見つけるための辞書。

  • whole, unit
  • 全般, 一統, 総体, 全体
  • an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity; "how big is that part compared to the whole?"; "the team is a unit"
  • 1つのものとしてとらえらえる、部分の集合

  • general
  • 総合, 全体
  • a fact about the whole (as opposed to particular); "he discussed the general but neglected the particular"
  • (細部と対照的に)全体に関する事実

  • whole
  • 総べて, , 凡て, 全て, 全部, 全体, 一切, 総て
  • all of something including all its component elements or parts; "Europe considered as a whole"; "the whole of American literature"
  • すべての構成要素や部品を含むすべて

  • totality
  • 全体
  • the quality of being complete and indiscriminate; "the totality of war and its consequences"; "the all-embracing totality of the state"
  • 完全で無差別な性質

  • on earth
  • 全体
  • used with question words to convey surprise; "what on earth are you doing?"
  • 驚きを伝えるため、質問語と共に使用される

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