

英漢字典: bring

KK 音標
〔 brIŋ 〕
〔 briŋ 〕




brought, bring.ing, brings

1 攜帶

brought enough money with me 我帶著足夠的錢

2 作為…的表徵; 有…的貢獻

You bring many years of experience to your new post.你帶著多年的經驗就任新職

3 引起; 招致

bring the water to a boil 讓水沸騰

brought the meeting to a close 結束會議

4 a. 說服; 勸誘

The defendant's testimony brought others to confess.這個被告的口供使其他的被告也招認了

b. 吸引; 引起注意

Smoke and flames brought the neighbors. 濃煙和火焰引來鄰居的注意

5 導致

Floods brought destruction to the valley. 洪水導致山谷遭受破壞

A chill can bring on a cold. 寒冷會引起感冒

6 想起; 回憶

This music brings back memories. 這音樂勾起往事

7『法律』提起訴訟; 告發

8 出售; 賣錢

a portrait that brought a million dollars 一幅能賣一百萬元的畫像

bring auround (round)

1 說服

2 甦醒; 恢復神智

bring down

1 使落下; 使崩潰

2 殺死

bring forth

1 導致; 產生

plants bringing forth fruit 植物會結果

2 生產; 分娩

bring forward

1 提出; 取出

bring forward proof 提出證明

2『會計』把數字轉入下頁; 把數字轉入下欄

bring in

1『法律』宣判; 判決

2 孳生 (利息); 產生 (利益); 使賺進…

bring off

完成; 成功

bring off a successful advertising campaign 完成了一項成功的廣告活動

bring on


brought on the dessert 端出甜點

bring out

1 a. 顯示; 揭發

brought out the facts 揭發真相

b. 使…參加社交活動

2 出版

bring out a new book 出版一本新書

3 深植; 教育; 發展

You bring out the best in me. 你將最好的東西都給了我

bring to

1 甦醒; 恢復神智

2『航海』使 (船) 轉向風面; 使 (船) 停止

bring up

1 撫養; 教養

2 提出; 引述

3 嘔吐

4 使突然停頓


bring down the house

博得滿堂彩; 得到大家的贊同

bring home


a lecture that brought home several important points這場演說使聽眾明瞭了幾個要點

bring to bear

1 集中; 施加

bring pressure to bear on the student's parents 向學生的父母施加壓力

2 利用; 適用

"All of one's faculties are brought to bear in an effort to become fully incorporated into the landscape." (Barry Lopez)一個人所有的才能被妥善利用, 以努力融入其未來的展望

bring to light

暴露; 揭發

brought the real facts to light 使真相大白

bring to mind


Thoughts of fishing brought to mind our youth.釣魚的念頭使我們憶起年輕的時光

bring to (one's) knees

使 (某人) 屈服

bring to terms

使 (某人) 同意; 使 (某人) 屈服

bring up the rear

最後一個; 殿後



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