英日字典: うつ
- 伐つ:
to strike
to attack
to punish
- 射つ:
(usu. 撃つ)
to shoot
to attack
to defeat
to destroy
to avenge
- 打つ:
(also written as 拍つ, 搏つ, 撲つ, 擣つ)
to hit
to strike
to knock
to beat
to punch
to slap
to tap
to bang
to clap
to pound
to strike
(noon, etc.)
to sound
(cymbals, etc.)
to beat
(a drum, etc.)
to beat
(rhythmically, e.g. pulse, waves, etc.)
to move
to impress
to touch
to drive in
to hammer in
to put in
to inject
to type
to send
to transmit
to insert
to write in
to mark
to make
(noodles, etc.)
to prepare
to till
to sprinkle
to throw
to cast
to do
to carry out
to play
to perform
to engage in
(gambling, etc.)
to pay
(a deposit, etc.)
to visit
(on a pilgrimage)
to line
(a coat)
to bind
(a criminal)
- 撃つ:
(usu. 撃つ)
to shoot
to attack
to defeat
to destroy
to avenge
- 欝:
low spirits
- 討つ:
(usu. 撃つ)
to shoot
to attack
to defeat
to destroy
to avenge
- 鬱:
low spirits
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