英日字典: つく
- 付く:
(See 付く・つく・14)
to become
(a state, condition, etc.)
- 即く:
(See 付く・つく・1)
to ascend
(the throne)
to accede
(就く only)
to take
(seat, position, course, etc.)
to assume
(就く only)
to start
(on a journey)
to commence
to depart
(就く only)
to study
(under teacher)
to be an apprentice
- 吐く:
to breathe out
to breathe
to tell
(a lie)
to use
(foul language)
(See 吐く・はく・1)
to vomit
to throw up
to spit up
- 就く:
(See 付く・つく・1)
to ascend
(the throne)
to accede
(就く only)
to take
(seat, position, course, etc.)
to assume
(就く only)
to start
(on a journey)
to commence
to depart
(就く only)
to study
(under teacher)
to be an apprentice
- 憑く:
(See 付く・つく・8)
to possess
to haunt
- 捺く:
to prick
to stab
to poke
to prod
to push
to thrust
to nudge
to hit
to strike
to use
(a cane)
to prop oneself up with
to press against
(the floor, etc.)
to attack
to brave
(the rain, etc.)
- 搗く:
to hull
(rice, barley, etc.)
to pound
to polish
to stamp
- 撞く:
to prick
to stab
to poke
to prod
to push
to thrust
to nudge
to hit
to strike
to use
(a cane)
to prop oneself up with
to press against
(the floor, etc.)
to attack
to brave
(the rain, etc.)
- 浸く:
to be immersed
(漬く only)
to be pickled
- 漬く:
to be immersed
(漬く only)
to be pickled
- 点く:
to be lit
(e.g. electricity comes on)
to be lighted
(See 火がつく,付く・つく・9)
to catch fire
- 着く:
to arrive at
to reach
(See 席に着く)
to sit on
to sit at
(e.g. the table)
- 突く:
to prick
to stab
to poke
to prod
to push
to thrust
to nudge
to hit
to strike
to use
(a cane)
to prop oneself up with
to press against
(the floor, etc.)
to attack
to brave
(the rain, etc.)
- 舂く:
to pound
(rice, etc.)
- 衝く:
to prick
to stab
to poke
to prod
to push
to thrust
to nudge
to hit
to strike
to use
(a cane)
to prop oneself up with
to press against
(the floor, etc.)
to attack
to brave
(the rain, etc.)
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