英日字典: ショック
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- shock
- ショック, 振盪, 驚愕, 打撃, 衝撃, 驚がく, 震動
- (pathology) bodily collapse or near collapse caused by inadequate oxygen delivery to the cells; characterized by reduced cardiac output and rapid heartbeat and circulatory insufficiency and pallor; "loss of blood is an important cause of shock"
- 十分な酸素が細胞に供給されないことによって起こる身体的な虚脱状態あるいはそれに近いもの
- shock, blow
- ショック, 振盪, 驚愕, 打撃, 衝撃, 驚がく, 震動
- an unpleasant or disappointing surprise; "it came as a shock to learn that he was injured"
- 不愉快でがっかりさせられる驚き
- bump, blow
- ショック, 衝撃
- an impact (as from a collision); "the bump threw him off the bicycle"
- (衝突などによる)衝撃
- impact, shock
- ショック, 衝撃
- the violent interaction of individuals or groups entering into combat; "the armies met in the shock of battle"
- 戦闘に入る個人またはグループの激しいぶつかり合い
- stupor, shock, daze
- ショック, ぼうぜん自失, 呆然とした状態, 茫然自失, 喪心, 衝撃, 呆然自失, 虚脱状態, 衝戟
- the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally; "his mother's death left him in a daze"; "he was numb with shock"
- 何か悪いものが偶然起こるときあなたが抱く苦悩と不信感
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