英日字典: 一門
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- family line, sept, family, folk, phratry, kinsfolk, kinfolk
- 宗族, 一門, 一族, 家筋, 眷族, 眷属, 家門, 血族, 氏族, 家系, 族
- people descended from a common ancestor; "his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower"
- 共通の祖先の血を引く人々
- fellowship, family
- 一門, 仲間, ファミリー
- an association of people who share common beliefs or activities; "the message was addressed not just to employees but to every member of the company family"; "the church welcomed new members into its fellowship"
- 共通の信念や活動を共有する人々の連合
- kindred, kin, tribe, kin group, clan, kinship group
- 一門, 親族, キンドレッド, 血縁集団, 族親, 一族, クラン, 親族グループ, 眷族, 眷属, 家門, 血族, まき, 親類, 氏族, 血縁グループ, 閥族, 族
- group of people related by blood or marriage
- 血縁や婚姻によって結ばれた人々のグループ
- family, household, house, home, menage
- 家族, 一門, 世帯, 門, ファミリー, 家門, 家, 家庭, 家人, ファミリ, 一戸, 一家
- a social unit living together; "he moved his family to Virginia"; "It was a good Christian household"; "I waited until the whole house was asleep"; "the teacher asked how many people made up his home"
- ともに生活する社会的構成単位
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