英日字典: 似ている
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- like, similar
- 同じ様, 近い, 類同, 同じよう, 似ている, 相似的, 類似的, 同様
- resembling or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination; "suits of like design"; "a limited circle of like minds"; "members of the cat family have like dispositions"; "as like as two peas in a pod"; "doglike devotion"; "a dreamlike quality"
- 似ているか類似的な
- like, alike, similar
- 同じ様, 近い, 類同, 同じい, 同じ, 均しい, 同然, 同じよう, 似ている, 相似的, 類似的, 同様, 斉しい, 共通, 等しい, おんなじ
- having the same or similar characteristics; "all politicians are alike"; "they looked utterly alike"; "friends are generally alike in background and taste"
- 同じものまたは類似した特徴を持つ
- similar
- 同じ様, 近い, 類同, 同じよう, 似ている, 相似的, 類似的, 同様
- marked by correspondence or resemblance; "similar food at similar prices"; "problems similar to mine"; "they wore similar coats"
- 一致または類似を特徴とする
- imitate
- 似かよう, 似ている
- appear like, as in behavior or appearance; "Life imitate art"
- 振る舞いや外観どおりに思われる
- resemble
- 類似, 相似, 似る, 類する, 似ている, 酷似, 似よる, 似寄る
- appear like; be similar or bear a likeness to; "She resembles her mother very much"; "This paper resembles my own work"
- ように見える
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