英日字典: 善い
13 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- upright, good, just
- 廉直, よい, 潔い, 正善, 宜しい, 公明正大, いい, まとも, 良い, よろしい, 清潔, 善い, 廉潔, 清廉, 正しい
- of moral excellence; "a genuinely good person"; "a just cause"; "an upright and respectable man"
- 道徳的な素晴らしさについて
- nice
- 美味しい, よい, 好い, 好ましい, 素適, 快い, 麗しい, いい, 好いたらしい, すてき, ナイス, きれい, 良い, 心地よい, 旨味しい, 可愛い, 綺麗, 善い
- pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance; "what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty"- George Meredith; "nice manners"; "a nice dress"; "a nice face"; "a nice day"; "had a nice time at the party"; "the corn and tomatoes are nice today"
- 性質または外観が快活な、愉快な、あるいは感じのよい
- fine
- よい, 好い, 精良, 美事, おつ, いい, 良質, 良い, 見事, 精緻, 善い, 乙, 美妙
- characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment; "fine wine"; "looking fine in her Easter suit"; "a fine gentleman"; "fine china and crystal"; "a fine violinist"; "the fine hand of a master"
- 優雅、気品、または社交上の才を特徴とする
- pleasant
- よい, 好い, 快い, いい, 好いたらしい, 良い, 善い, 嬉しい
- (of persons) having pleasing manners or behavior; "I didn't enjoy it and probably wasn't a pleasant person to be around"
- (人について)感じの良い行儀またはふるまいをするさま
- serious, good
- よい, 好い, 宜しい, いい, 良質, 好様, 良好, 良い, グッド, よろしい, 善い, グー, 好, 立派
- appealing to the mind; "good music"; "a serious book"
- 心に訴えるさま
- o.k., okay, fine, hunky-dory, all right, ok
- よい, 好い, 好ましい, ご機嫌, 御機嫌, 宜しい, いい, 良好, 良い, 大丈夫, よろしい, 善い
- being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition; "an all-right movie"; "the passengers were shaken up but are all right"; "is everything all right?"; "everything's fine"; "things are okay"; "dinner and the movies had been fine"; "another minute I'd have been fine"
- 満足であるまたは満足な状態にある
- pleasant
- 愉しげ, 心地良い, 楽しい, よい, 好い, 快然たる, 愉快, 気持ち良い, 楽しげ, 快い, 麗しい, 快適, いい, 好いたらしい, 良い, 心地よい, 善い, 愉しい, 嬉しい, 心地好い
- affording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings; "we had a pleasant evening together"; "a pleasant scene"; "pleasant sensations"
- 喜びを与えるさま
- right, good, ripe
- よい, 好い, ただしい, 似つかわしい, 適当, 宜しい, いい, 良い, 似合わしい, よろしい, 善い
- most suitable or right for a particular purpose; "a good time to plant tomatoes"; "the right time to act"; "the time is ripe for great sociological changes"
- ある特殊の目的のために最も適当または適した
- good
- 好い, いい, 良い, 善い, 好
- agreeable or pleasing; "we all had a good time"; "good manners"
- 快いか、または微笑ましい
- good
- 巧い, 好い, 好ましい, 旨い, ハラショー, 宜しい, いい, 良質, 良好, 美味い, 良い, グッド, よろしい, 善い, グー, 上手い, うまい, 立派, 思わしい
- having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified; "good news from the hospital"; "a good report card"; "when she was good she was very very good"; "a good knife is one good for cutting"; "this stump will make a good picnic table"; "a good check"; "a good joke"; "a good exterior paint"; "a good secretary"; "a good dress for the office"
- 特に指定したものに適している、望ましい、あるいはプラス方向の品質であるさま
- moral
- 倫理的, 善い, 順義, 道徳的
- concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles; "moral sense"; "a moral scrutiny"; "a moral lesson"; "a moral quandary"; "moral convictions"; "a moral life"
- 善し悪しの原則、品行標準に従うことおよびそれらの原則に基づく品格に関係している
- decent, nice
- よい, 好い, いい, 良い, 善い, ゆかしい
- socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous; "from a decent family"; "a nice girl"
- 社会的にまたは通常正しい
- good, beneficial
- よい, 好い, 好ましい, 宜しい, いい, 好様, グッド, 善様, よろしい, 善い, グー, 有意義, 有益
- promoting or enhancing well-being; "an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries"; "the beneficial effects of a temperate climate"; "the experience was good for her"
- 幸福を促進するか、または高めるさま
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