英日字典: 実際的
4 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- real, veridical
- 本当の, 真成, リアル, 真の, 本当, まぶ, 実際的, 真実, 真誠
- coinciding with reality; "perceptual error...has a surprising resemblance to veridical perception"- F.A.Olafson
- 現実と同時に起こるさま
- practical
- 技術的, プラクティカル, 実践的, 実際的, 現実的, 実用的
- concerned with actual use or practice; "he is a very practical person"; "the idea had no practical application"; "a practical knowledge of Japanese"; "woodworking is a practical art"
- 実際の使用または実行に関心を持つ
- realistic
- 実際的, 現実的
- aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are; "a realistic description"; "a realistic view of the possibilities"; "a realistic appraisal of our chances"; "the actors tried to create a realistic portrayal of the Africans"
- 物事を、本当にあると認識すること、あるいは認識を表現するさま
- practical, hard-nosed, hardheaded, pragmatic
- プラグマチック, プラクティカル, 実践的, プラグマティック, 実際的
- guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory; "a hardheaded appraisal of our position"; "a hard-nosed labor leader"; "completely practical in his approach to business"; "not ideology but pragmatic politics"
- 理論よりもむしろ、実際の経験および観察によって導かれる
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