英日字典: 強か
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- much
- 大分, ずんと, 大きに, 余っ程, うんと, ドンと, どんと, ぎょうさん, ぐっと, 大いに, 健か, だいぶ, 余程, 強か, したたか
- very; "he was much annoyed"
- とても
- highly, extremely
- 至って, 極々, いとも, 殊の外, めきめき, 世にも, 極度, 至りて, すこぶる, 滅法, 然許り, ことのほか, 思い切り, 極めて, めっきり, 良く, 堪らなく, たいへん, 何より, 非常, 極, かなり, メキメキ, 然ばかり, 甚, いたく, 極極, 克く, 殊のほか, なにより, 中々, ずいぶん, 最, 然許, 至極, こよなく, 重重に, とても, はなはだ, 大層, 重々に, 頗る, 極く, 最も, 痛く, きわめて, 実に, 甚も, 甚く, 思切, 誠に, 大変, ひどく, 非常に, 善く, 余程, よく, 寔に, 中中, 高度, まことに, 飛び切り, 随分, 好く, 能く, 思切り, おもいきり, 強か
- to a high degree or extent; favorably or with much respect; "highly successful"; "He spoke highly of her"; "does not think highly of his writing"; "extremely interesting"
- 高度または広範囲に
- a lot, very much, much, lots, a great deal, a good deal
- 大分, 至って, ずんと, 大きに, 極々, 痛も, 余っ程, 仰山, うんと, 至りて, すこぶる, 万万, 思い切り, よくよく, ドンと, どんと, ぎょうさん, 万々, 極極, ずいぶん, ぐっと, 大いに, 健か, 少からず, 能く能く, 大層, 頗る, 甚も, 思切, 余程, 世に, 随分, 思切り, おもいきり, 強か, したたか, 善く善く
- to a very great degree or extent; "I feel a lot better"; "we enjoyed ourselves very much"; "she was very much interested"; "this would help a great deal"
- 非常に大きい程度や範囲まで
- severely, gravely, badly, seriously
- 激しく, ひどく, 苛酷, 強か, したたか
- to a severe or serious degree; "fingers so badly frozen they had to be amputated"; "badly injured"; "a severely impaired heart"; "is gravely ill"; "was seriously ill"
- 深刻でまたは重大な程度に
- severely, hard
- みっちり, きびしく, こってり, びしびし, さんざっぱら, 甚, ぴしぴし, 健か, 激しく, 厳に, ごってり, 苛酷, 強か, したたか
- causing great damage or hardship; "industries hit hard by the depression"; "she was severely affected by the bank's failure"
- 甚大な被害か苦難をもたらす
- much
- ずんと, 大きに, 余っ程, いくらも, 仰山, ドンと, どんと, ぎょうさん, ぐっと, 大いに, 健か, だいぶ, 余程, 強か, したたか
- to a great degree or extent; "she's much better now"
- 大きな程度または範囲で
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