英日字典: 抗議
10 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- dissent, protest, objection
- 不服申し立て, 抗議, 不服申立, 異議, 抗弁, プロテスト, 異見, 抗告, 物言, 反対, 物言い, 反論, 不服申立て, 抗言, 抗辯, 反抗
- the act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent
- 反抗する行為
- remonstrance, remonstration, objection, expostulation
- オブジェクション, 抗議, いさめること, 訓戒, 物言, 反対, 物言い, 反論, 説諭
- the act of expressing earnest opposition or protest
- 熱心な反対または抗議を表す行為
- protest
- 抗議, 異議, プロテスト
- the act of making a strong public expression of disagreement and disapproval; "he shouted his protests at the umpire"; "a shower of protest was heard from the rear of the hall"
- 非合意と否認の公的な表明を行う行為
- protestation, protest
- 抗議, プロテスト
- a formal and solemn declaration of objection; "they finished the game under protest to the league president"; "the senator rose to register his protest"; "the many protestations did not stay the execution"
- 正式で厳粛な異議の宣言
- dissent, resist, protest
- 抗議, 抗する, 争う, 手むかう, 抗弁, プロテスト, 抗う, 抗言, あらがう, 物申す, 抗辯, 抵抗, 諍う, もの申す, 抗す
- express opposition through action or words; "dissent to the laws of the country"
- 動作、および言葉を通して反対を表現する
- object
- 抗議, 反対, 物申す
- express or raise an objection or protest or criticism or express dissent; "She never objected to the amount of work her boss charged her with"; "When asked to drive the truck, she objected that she did not have a driver's license"
- 異論、抗議または批評を示す、または異議を唱える
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