

英日字典: 正式


4 文書を見つけるための辞書。

  • proper
  • 本格的, 本式, 正式, まとも, プロパー
  • having all the qualities typical of the thing specified; "wanted a proper dinner; not just a snack"; "he finally has a proper job"
  • 特定のものに典型的な性質をすべて持った

  • formal
  • 本格的, 本式, 正式
  • characteristic of or befitting a person in authority; "formal duties"; "an official banquet"
  • 権力者の特徴、または、に適するさま

  • formal
  • 正式
  • being in accord with established forms and conventions and requirements (as e.g. of formal dress); "pay one's formal respects"; "formal dress"; "a formal ball"; "the requirement was only formal and often ignored"; "a formal education"
  • 公認様式、慣例、及び必要条件調和すること(礼服の例のように)

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