英日字典: 残虐
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- heinousness, barbarity, atrocity, barbarousness, atrociousness
- 極悪, 悪虐, 虐殺, 酷薄, 暴虐, 刻薄, 蛮行, 悪逆, 悪逆無道, 残虐
- the quality of being shockingly cruel and inhumane
- 衝撃的なほど冷酷で、非人道的な性質
- brutality, ferociousness, savagery, viciousness
- 酷薄さ, 惨忍さ, 残忍性, 凶悪さ, 残忍さ, 殺伐さ, 無残, 酷薄, 暴虐, 無惨, 刻薄, 暴戻, 兇悪さ, 没義道, 残虐さ, 暴戻さ, 残虐, 刻薄さ
- the trait of extreme cruelty
- 極度に冷酷な特質
- brutish, brutal, beastly, bestial, brute
- 極悪, 兇悪, 残酷, 残忍非道, 残忍冷酷, 強暴, 残忍, 残忍酷薄, 凶悪, 兇暴, 酷悪, 惨忍, 惨い, 悪逆, 残虐, 凶暴
- resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility; "beastly desires"; "a bestial nature"; "brute force"; "a dull and brutish man"; "bestial treatment of prisoners"
- 獣に似ているさま
- roughshod, fell, cruel, vicious, savage, brutal, barbarous
- 極悪, 兇悪, 無情, 無慈悲, 残酷, 無道, 残忍, 非道, むごたらしい, 陰惨, 無残, 凶悪, 暴虐, 無惨, むごい, 苛虐, 酷悪, 惨忍, 惨い, ひどい, 苛酷, 酷い, 残虐, 猛悪
- (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering; "a barbarous crime"; "brutal beatings"; "cruel tortures"; "Stalin's roughshod treatment of the kulaks"; "a savage slap"; "vicious kicks"
- (人または人の動作について)苦痛や苦しみを与えることのできる
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