英日字典: 目隠し
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- blinder, winker, blinker
- 目隠し, 指示器
- blind consisting of a leather eyepatch sewn to the side of the halter that prevents a horse from seeing something on either side
- 馬が両側の物を見るのを妨げる、端綱の横に縫いつけた革の目隠し
- screen, blind
- 窓掛け, 日覆, 日除, 目かくし, 日よけ, 日覆い, 窓掛, 目隠し, 日おおい, 見隠し, 目隠, 遮蔽, ブラインド, 窓かけ, 日除け, 見隠
- a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight; "they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet"
- ものを避けるか、または光景を妨げる保護被覆
- screen, cover, covert, concealment
- 掩護, 被せ, カヴァー, 上覆, 包み隠し, 蔽, 掩蔽, 屏障, 目かくし, 包隠, 被い, カバー, 庇保, 壅蔽, 目隠し, 隠し, 包みかくし, つつみ隠し, 見隠し, 隠秘, 隠匿, 目隠, 上包, 上被い, 被, 陰蔽, 上被, 遮蔽, 上包み, 覆い, 包隠し, 上覆い, 遮蔽物, 蔽い, 被覆, 隠蔽, 見隠, 隠伏, 覆
- a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something; "a screen of trees afforded privacy"; "under cover of darkness"; "the brush provided a covert for game"; "the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background"
- 何かを隠したり保護したりするのに役立つ覆い
- blinker
- 目隠し
- put blinders on (a horse)
- 目隠しを(馬に)つける
- blindfold
- 目隠し
- cover the eyes of (someone) to prevent him from seeing; "the hostage was blindfolded and driven away"
- (誰か)が見るのを防ぐために、彼の目を覆う
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