英日字典: 窃盗
4 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- theft, larceny, thieving, thievery, stealing
- 失敬, 盗, 窃盗行為, 盗犯, 泥棒, 窃取, 偸盗, 略奪, 横取り, 泥坊, 着服, 掠奪, 盗み, 窃盗罪, 窃盗, 横奪, 横領, 盗取
- the act of taking something from someone unlawfully; "the thieving is awful at Kennedy International"
- だれかから何かを不法に取る行為
- pilferage
- 荷抜き, 窃盗
- the act of stealing small amounts or small articles
- 小額または少量の物品を盗む行為
- pinch, pilfer, snarf, filch, nobble, lift, purloin, swipe, abstract, cabbage, hook, sneak
- 失敬, 掻っぱらう, がめる, 窃取, 掠める, くすねる, 掻っ攫う, ガメる, 盗みとる, ぱくる, かっ払う, 掻っさらう, 掠めとる, 掠め取る, 盗取る, パクる, かすめ取る, 掻攫う, 掠取る, 盗み取る, かっ攫う, 掻っ払う, 窃盗, ちょろまかす, 盗む
- make off with belongings of others
- 他の所有物を持ち去る
- steal
- 失敬, 泥棒, 窃取, 掠める, くすねる, 盗出す, 盗みとる, ぱくる, 盗み出す, 掠めとる, 掠め取る, 盗取る, パクる, 掠取る, 盗み取る, 盗る, 窃盗, 盗む
- take without the owner's consent; "Someone stole my wallet on the train"; "This author stole entire paragraphs from my dissertation"
- 持ち主の同意なしに取る
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