英日字典: 細工
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- ruse, artifice
- 謀略, 詭謀, 仕掛け, 細工, たくらみ, 謀計, 術策, 仕掛, 匠, 術数, 術計, 企み, 小細工, 策謀, 姦計, 奸計, 絡繰り, 籌略, わな, 策略, 悪巧み, 計略, 巧詐, トリック, 詭計, 籌策
- a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture)
- (特に捕獲を逃れるための)人をだます方策
- process, work, work on
- 細工, 加工
- shape, form, or improve a material; "work stone into tools"; "process iron"; "work the metal"
- 素材を成形する、形づくる、または改良する
- work in
- 細工
- add by mixing or blending on or attaching; "work in the butter and the dough will get the right consistency"; "In his speech, the presidential candidate worked in a lot of learned words"
- 混ぜ、混ざるか、添えることにより加える
- misrepresent, manipulate, falsify, wangle, cook, fudge, fake
- 曲筆, 細工, 佯る, 偽造, 捏ち上げる, 改竄, 操作, 歪める, 枉げる
- tamper, with the purpose of deception; "Fudge the figures"; "cook the books"; "falsify the data"
- 詐欺目的で改ざんする
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