英日字典: blow_up
The blow_up has 8 Senses.
- enlarge, magnify, blow up
- 郭大, 引伸す, 引き延す, 引き伸ばす, 引伸ばす, 引延ばす, 拡大, 引き延ばす, ひきのばす, 引き伸す, 引延す
- make large; "blow up an image"
- 大きくする
- blow one's stack, have a fit, fly off the handle, have kittens, blow a fuse, combust, go ballistic, blow up, hit the roof, lose one's temper, hit the ceiling, flip one's wig, throw a fit, flip one's lid
- いきり立つ, 熱り立つ, 爆発, 逆上, 熱りたつ
- get very angry and fly into a rage; "The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question"; "Spam makes me go ballistic"
- 非常に怒って、かっとなる
- dramatise, embroider, aggrandize, lard, blow up, pad, dramatize, embellish, aggrandise
- 修飾, 扮飾, 粉飾, 潤色, 脚色
- add details to
- 詳細なことを加える
- explode, detonate, blow up
- 爆発
- burst and release energy as through a violent chemical or physical reaction;"the bomb detonated at noon"; "The Molotov cocktail exploded"
- 強い化学または物理的反応を通じて起きる爆発とエネルギーの放出
- inflate, expand, blow up, amplify
- 脹らせる, 脹らす, 膨らます, 膨らせる, 膨らめる, 脹らめる, 誇張, 大袈裟に言う, 脹らます
- exaggerate or make bigger; "The charges were inflated"
- 誇張する、あるいはより大きくする
- puff out, blow up, puff, puff up
- to swell or cause to enlarge, "Her faced puffed up from the drugs"; "puffed out chests"
- 膨れるまたは大きくなるようにする
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