英日字典: butterfly_orchid
The butterfly_orchid has 5 Senses.
- butterfly orchid
- any orchid of the genus Psychopsis: spectacular large tiger-striped orchids
- サイコプシス属の欄のいずれか:華やかで大きなトラ模様の欄
- butterfly orchid, oncidium, dancing lady orchid, butterfly plant
- オンシジューム
- any orchid of the genus Oncidium: characterized by slender branching sprays of small yellow and brown flowers; often grown as houseplants
- オンシジュウム属のラン:小さな黄色と茶色の花の細長い枝分かれした小枝が特徴
- encyclia tampensis, butterfly orchid, epidendrum tampense
- orchid of Florida and the Bahamas having showy brightly colored flowers; sometimes placed in genus Epidendrum
- 華やかな明るい色の花を持つ、フロリダとバハマのラン
- orchis papilionaceae, butterfly orchis, butterfly orchid
- Mediterranean orchid having usually purple flowers with a fan-shaped spotted or striped rose-red lip
- 扇形の、斑点または縞のあるばら色の唇弁がある、通常紫の花を持つ、地中海のラン
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