

英日字典: epistle_of_paul_the_apostle_to_the_ephesians

epistle of paul the apostle to the ephesians   (TTS Sound)

The epistle_of_paul_the_apostle_to_the_ephesians has 1 Senses.

  • epistle to the ephesians, epistle of paul the apostle to the ephesians, ephesians
  • エフェソの信徒への手紙
  • a New Testament book containing the epistle from Saint Paul to the Ephesians which explains the divine plan for the world and the consummation of this in Christ
  • キリストで世界に対する神の計画と、キリストのこの終焉を説明する聖パウロからエペソ人へ使徒書簡を含む新約聖書

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