英日字典: go_up
The go_up has 7 Senses.
- move up, go up, uprise, lift, rise, arise, come up
- 上がる, 上騰, 立昇る, 昇る, 立ち上る, 差昇る, 差上る, 上る, 立ちのぼる, 上ぼる, 差登る, 登る, 立上る, 立ち昇る
- move upward; "The fog lifted"; "The smoke arose from the forest fire"; "The mist uprose from the meadows"
- 上方に動く
- go up, climb, rise
- 上がる, 増益, 膨れ上る, 増加, 高まる, 膨む, アップ, 嵩む, 増す, 増価, 伸びる, 膨れ上がる, 増える, 上伸
- increase in value or to a higher point; "prices climbed steeply"; "the value of our house rose sharply last year"
- 価値あるいはより高い点が増加する
- draw close, go up, approach, near, come on, draw near, come near
- 近寄る, 詰寄る, 寄る, 近づく, 寄せる, 近よる, 接近, 逼る, 迫る, 近付く, 詰め寄る
- move towards; "We were approaching our destination"; "They are drawing near"; "The enemy army came nearer and nearer"
- そこに向かって動く
- go up
- 押っ建つ
- be erected, built, or constructed; "New buildings are going up everywhere"
- 組み立てられる、建てられる、または建設される
- go up, mount, climb, climb up
- よじ登る
- go upward with gradual or continuous progress; "Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house?"
- 上向きにゆるやかであるか連続した進歩を伴う
- go up, burn up, burn down
- 焼け落ちる, 焼失, 燃え切る, 焼尽, 焼滅
- burn completely; be consumed or destroyed by fire; "The hut burned down"; "The mountain of paper went up in flames"
- 完全に燃える
- go up, ascend
- 上がる, 昇る, 上昇, 上る, 上ぼる, 登る
- travel up, "We ascended the mountain"; "go up a ladder"; "The mountaineers slowly ascended the steep slope"
- 上昇する
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