

英日字典: stone_parsley

stone parsley   (TTS Sound)

The stone_parsley has 2 Senses.

  • sison amomum, stone parsley
  • a slender roadside herb of western Europe and Mediterranean areas that has foliage resembling parsley and has white flowers with aromatic seeds
  • 西ヨーロッパと地中海の路傍の細長い草本でパセリのような葉と芳香性の種をもつ白い花をつける

  • stone parsley, moon carrot
  • any plant of the genus Seseli having dense umbels of small white or pink flowers and finely divided foliage
  • 小さな白いまたはピンクの花ときれいに分かれた葉の密生した繖形花序があるセセリ属の植物のいずれか

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