

英漢字典: nose

KK 音標
〔 noz 〕
〔 nouz 〕




1 鼻子

2 嗅覺

a dog with a good nose 嗅覺敏銳的狗

3 刺探的能力; 感覺的能力

has a nose for gossip 愛說閒話; 善於搬弄是非

4 (酒的) 特有氣味; 芳香

5 〔口語〕 刺探, 窺探

Keep your nose out of my business. 不要干涉我的事

6 似形鼻子的物品

如飛機, 火箭, 潛水艇等前端圓尖的部份


nosed, nos.ing, nos.es


1 用鼻子嗅出

nosed out the thieves' hiding place 用鼻子嗅出盜賊的藏身處

2 用鼻子觸摸; 用鼻子摩擦

3 用鼻子推進

4 向前推進

nosed the car into the flow of traffic 將車子在車流中徐徐推進


1 嗅, 聞

2 〔口語〕 刺探, 窺探

nosing around looking for opportunities 到處打聽有什麼好機會

3 小心地前進

The ship nosed into its berth. 這艘船小心翼翼地與其他船隻保持一定的距離

nose out



down (one's) nose

〔口語〕 反對, 輕視; 自大

Year-round residents here look down their noses at the summer people.此地的居民反對夏季有遊客來訪

on the nose

精確地; 正確地

predicted the final score on the nose 精確預測到最後的分數

under (someone's) nose


The keys are right under your nose. 鑰匙就在你面前

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