

英漢字典: 仿照

KK 音標
〔 ˋfɑlo,-ә 〕
〔 ˊfɒlou 〕

〈 follow 〉



followed, following, follows


1 跟隨; 隨後

Follow the usher to your seat. 跟隨帶位員到你的座位

2 a. 跟蹤; 追蹤

"The wrong she had done followed her and haunted her dream." (Katherine Anne Porter) 她所犯的錯誤一直跟隨著她, 甚至常在她的夢中出現

b. 追蹤; 暗中調查

followed the suspect for a week before making the arrest 在逮捕嫌疑犯之前追蹤了一個星期

3 a. 順著…走; 沿行

We followed a path to the shore. 我們沿著小徑走到岸邊

b. 往…方向走; 受…引導

followed the sun westward across the plains 跟著太陽向西走過平原

followed the signs to the monkey house 沿著記號來到了猴子的巢穴

4 接受, 遵循 (指導, 命令, 領導)

follow a spiritual master 跟隨精神上的指導者

rebels who refused to follow their commander 反判者不聽從指揮官的命令

5 遵守; 實行

followed the ancient customs of their people 遵守民族固有的習俗

6 遵照; 模仿

followed her new friends in everything they did 模仿她新朋友的所做所為

followed my example and resigned 依照我的例子辭職了

7 a. 服從; 遵從

follow the rules 遵守規則

follow one's instincts 順著一個人的直覺

b. 依據; 堅持

followed the recipe 依據食譜

follow a diet 堅持飲食節制

8 從事

9 跟在…之後

Night follows day. 夜以繼日

10 緊接著

She followed her lecture with a question-and-answer period. 她在課後緊接著問答時間

The band followed its hit record with a national tour. 這個樂團以全國巡迴演出來創下自己的紀錄

11 是…的結果; 從…推出

Your conclusion does not follow your premise. 你的結論並非來自你的前提

12 a. 仔細觀察

followed the bird through binoculars 用雙眼望遠鏡觀察鳥類

b. 專心於; 注意聽

too sleepy to follow the sermon 太想睡而不能專心聽佈道

c. 掌握; 了解

follow the stock market 掌握股市行情

followed the local teams 掌握地主隊的動向

13 聽懂; 了解

Do you follow my argument? 你了解我的辯證嗎?


1 跟隨; 跟著發生

2 成為…的結果; 結果

If you ignore your diet, trouble will follow. 如果你忽視節食, 麻煩就會跟著來了

3 了解


1 跟隨

2『比賽』(撞球) 擊中目的球後, 母球跟著目的球滾動

follow along


followed along with song 隨著歌聲進行

follow through

 1『運動』(擊球後) 做隨球的動作

2 貫徹; 徹底實行

  followed through on her promise to reorganize the department 貫徹她重組這個部門的承諾

follow up

1 使徹底; 徹底實踐

followed up their recommendations with concrete proposals 提出具體的建議使他們的推薦書做得更完備

  2 使更進一步; 使更成功

  followed up her interview with a telephone call 在訪問之後更進一步用電話聯絡


as follows

如下; 如此

follow (one's) nose

1 向前走, 直線行進

2 〔口語〕 (本能地) 引導

had no formal training but became a success by following his nose 並沒有受過正式的訓練, 只依靠本能而獲得成功

follow suit

1『牌戲』 拿出同樣的牌

2 照著別人的方式做; 依樣畫葫蘆

KK 音標
〔 ˋImәˏtet 〕
〔 ˊimiteit 〕

〈 im.i.tate 〉



im.i.tat.ed, im.i.tat.ing, im.i.tates

1 仿效; 效法

2 a. 模仿

amused friends by imitating the teachers 模仿老師來取悅朋友們

b. 模仿…的風格

brushwork that imitates Rembrandt 模仿林布蘭的畫風

3 仿造; 複製

4 假冒; 冒充


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