

英漢字典: 承受

KK 音標
〔 bZr 〕
〔 bZә 〕

〈 bear 〉



1『動物』熊; 似熊的動物

2 (常作 the Bear)『天文』熊星座

the Great Bear 大熊星

3 粗暴的人; 鹵莽的人

Mr. Green is really a bear. 格林先生真是一個粗暴的人

4『股票』空頭, 股市看跌的人

as) cross as a bear (with a sore head

= like a bear with a sore head

脾氣極暴躁的, 很生氣的


『股票』跌停板, 看跌的

a bear market 有賣壓行情

〈 bear 〉



bore, borne (born), bear.ing, bears


1 支持; 負荷

2 載 (人); 搬運…

3 心懷…

bear a grudge 心懷怨恨

4 敘述

bearing glad tidings 傳述福音

5 帶有 (特徵)

bore a scare on the left arm 左臂帶有傷疤

6 顯示

"A thousand different shapes it bears." (Abraham Cowley) 它有千種形狀

7 舉止

She bore herself with dignity. 她的舉止莊重

8 承擔 (責任)

bearing heavy responsibilities 承擔重任

9 忍受

couldn't bear his lying 不能忍受他的謊言

10 需要

This case bears investigation. 此案需要調查

11 生 (孩子)

12 產生

plants bearing flowers 會開花的植物

13 提供

I'll bear witness to the deed. 我將為這項契據提供證明

14 推擠

"boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past" (F. Scott Fitzgerald) 逆流的船隻被不斷地向來處推送


1 結 (果實); 產生

peach trees that bear every summer 每年夏天都會結果的桃樹

2 與…有關

They studied the ways in which the relativity theory bears on the history of science. 他們研究相對論與科學史有關的方式

3 施壓, 強迫; 影響

4 a. 前進

b. 忍受

Bear with me while I explain matters. 請耐心聽我解釋

5 延伸

The road bears to the right at the bottom of the hill.這條路向右延伸至山腳下

bear down

1 擊敗; 征服

2 竭盡心力

If you really bear down, you will finish the task.如果你全力以赴, 就能完成工作

bear out


The test results bear out our claims. 實驗結果證實了我們的主張是對的

bear up


The patient bore up well during the long illness.這名病患在久病期間奮力支撐下去


bear down on


Financial pressures are bearing down on them. 財務的壓力一直逼迫著他們

bear fruit


bear in mind

心懷; 記得

Bear in mind that bridges freeze before roads. 記住橋樑比道路先凍結

KK 音標
〔 InˋdUr,-ˋdjUr 〕
〔 inˊdjuә 〕

〈 en.dure 〉



en.dured, en.dur.ing, en.dures


1 度過; 承受

endure an Arctic winter 度過一個嚴寒的冬天

2 容忍; 忍受

"We seek the truth and will endure the consequences." (Charles Seymour)我們追尋真理並且接受一切後果


1 持久; 持續

buildings that have endured for centuries 持續了數百年的建築物

2 忍耐

KK 音標
〔 rIˋsiv 〕
〔 riˊsiːv 〕

〈 re.ceive 〉



re.ceived, re.ceiv.ing, re.ceives


1 接到; 收到

2 聽到; 看到

receive bad news 聽到壞消息

received a good report of the group's activities看到關於該團體活動良好的報告

3 擁有 (頭銜)

4 得到

receive sympathetic treatment 得到同情的對待

5 遭受

receive a penalty 受罰

6 承受; 支撐

The beams receive the full weight of the walls and roof.這根樑柱承受了牆和屋頂所有的重量

7 擋住

8 容納; 包含

a tank that receives rainwater 容納雨水的水槽

9 同意; 認可

receive new members 認可新會員

10 歡迎; 打招呼

receive guests 歡迎客人

11 感受; 獲知

receive a bad impression 印象不好

12 受到肯定; 評價不好

essays that were received well 評價不錯的文章

13 聆聽

The judge received their oath of allegiance.法官聆聽他們效忠的宣誓


1 獲得

2 容許; 歡迎 (訪客)

The couple are not receiving this winter. 今年冬天這對夫婦不宴客

3 領聖餐



KK 音標
〔 sәˋport,-ˋpɒrt 〕
〔 sәˊpɒːt 〕

〈 sup.port 〉



sup.port.ed, sup.port.ing, supports

1 支撐

2 支持

3 忍受; 抵抗

4 堅持; 使堅固

5 資助

6 證明

7 援助; 擁護

8 忍耐; 忍受

9 a. 演出

b. 當配角


1 a. 支撐; 支持

b. 受支持的狀態

c. 支持者; 支撐物

2 生計

KK 音標
〔 sәˋsten 〕
〔 sәˊstein 〕

〈 sus.tain 〉


sus.tained, sus.tain.ing, sus.tains

1 維持

2 補給; 提供

3 支撐

4 支持; 鼓舞

5 忍受

can't sustain the blistering heat 無法忍受酷熱

6 遭受; 經歷

sustained a fatal injury 遭受致命的創傷

7 確定; 認可

The judge has sustained the prosecutor's objection法官認可檢察官的異議

8 證實; 確認

9 勝任



sus.tainer; sus.tainment


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