

英漢字典: 推

KK 音標
〔 bʌnt 〕
〔 bʌnt 〕

〈 bunt 〉


1 用頭或角牴撞

2『棒球』觸擊, 短打


1 用頭或角牴撞



1 牴撞

2『棒球』觸擊, 短打

KK 音標
〔 tʃuz 〕
〔 tʃuːz 〕

〈 choose 〉



chose, chosen, choosing, chooses


1 選擇

2 a. 挑選

chooses the supermarket over the neighborhood grocery store寧願選擇超級市場而非社區裏的雜貨店

b. 決定

chose to fly rather than drive 決定搭飛機而不開車



was used to doing as she chose 習慣做自己所選擇的事

choose up




KK 音標
〔 dIˋdus,-ˋdjus 〕
〔 diˊdjus 〕

〈 de.duce 〉


de.duced, de.duc.ing, de.duc.es


1 推理

2 演繹; 推論

3 追溯…的起源; 追溯…的由來; 探索



KK 音標
〔 ˋhʌsL 〕
〔 ˊhʌsl 〕

〈 hus.tle 〉


hus.tled, hus.tling, hus.tles


1 硬擠; 亂撞

2 匆促, 推擠

hustled the prisoner into a van 將犯人推擠入囚車

3 催促

hustled the board into a quick decision 催促董事會速作決定

4 精神旺盛

hustled a hot lunch 帶勁兒吃頓熱騰騰的飯

5 〔俚語〕

a. 以不正當的方法賺錢

hustled stolen watches 賣盜錶

hustling spare change 盜賣變裝備用零件

b. 逼迫 (某人做某事)

a barfly hustling the other customers for drinks 酒徒逼顧客買酒喝


1 推擠

2 趕忙; 有幹勁兒

We hustled to get dinner ready on time. 我們趕忙著以能準時吃飯

3 (尤指工商業) 積極進取; 有效率地工作

4 〔俚語〕 以不正當的手段賺錢

5 〔俚語〕 拉客, 拉皮條


1 推擠

2 積極進取; 努力工作

3 〔俚語〕 以不正當的手段賺錢

"the most dangerous and wide-open drug hustle of them all" (Newsweek)令人感到最危險的是他們全是為了賺錢而任由毒品泛濫



KK 音標
〔 InˋfF 〕
〔 inˊfәː 〕

〈 in.fer 〉



in.ferred, in.fer.ring, in.fers


1 推斷

2 推理; 推測

We can infer that his motive in publishing the diary was less than honorable.我們推測他發表日記的動機並不正當

3 下結論

"Socrates argued that a statue inferred the existence of a sculptor." (Academy)蘇格拉底辯稱從雕像可以斷定雕刻家的存在

4 暗示; 意指









KK 音標
〔 ˋdʒɑsL 〕
〔 ˊdʒɒsl 〕

〈 jos.tle 〉


jos.tled, jos.tling, jos.tles


1 推擠

jostled against the others on the crowded platform在擁擠的月台上與他人推撞

2 (用手肘) 開路

jostled through the guests to the bar 穿越眾多的客人來到了吧檯

3 競爭

4 逼近

5 扒竊


1 撞擠; 推擠

messengers who jostle pedestrians on the sidewalk信差在人行道上推擠著路上的行人

2 (以肘) 推撞

jostled my way through the mob 從群眾裏推撞而出

3 競爭 (利益, 地位)

4 靠近

"Books written in all languages...jostle each other on the shelf." (Virginia Woolf)書架上並排著用各種語言寫成的書籍

5 扒竊


1 推; 擠

2 擁擠



KK 音標
〔 pUʃ 〕
〔 puʃ 〕

〈 push 〉



pushed, pushing, pushes


1 推動

push a shopping car through the aisles of a market推著一輛購物手推車穿過走廊

2 推開, 擠開

3 強擠過

We pushed our way through the crowd. 我們強行推擠穿過人群

4 強迫; 壓迫

push a child to study harder 逼著小孩子更用功

5 使痛苦不堪

6 壓下 (按鈕或鍵盤)

7 擴展, 擴張

push society past the frontier 將社團推展至未知的領域

8 〔俚語〕

a. 宣傳促銷

The author pushed her latest book by making appearances in bookstores. 這名作家頻頻在書店露面以促銷她最新的作品

b. 非法販賣

push drugs 非法販售禁藥


1 推擠

2 (排除困難) 奮勇向前

3 努力


1 推

gave the door a swift push 快速推開門

2 持續的努力; 驅策力

a push to democracy 努力邁向民主

3 刺激, 激勵

4 〔口語〕 不屈不撓; 進取心

push around

〔口語〕 粗暴地對待; 脅迫

push off

〔口語〕 出發, 啟程

The infantry patrol pushed off before dawn.步兵巡邏隊於黎明前出發

push on


The path was barely visible, but we pushed on.小路很不明顯, 但我們仍繼續前進


push paper

〔口語〕 花費時間在瑣碎的文書工作上

She spent the afternoon pushing paper for her boss.她整個下午都在為她的老板處理文書工作

when (if) push comes to shove


"We extol the virtues of motherhood and bestow praise on the self-sacrificing homemaker but when push comes to shove, we give her little recognition for what she does." (Los Angeles Times)我們頌揚母愛的美德, 並讚揚自我犧牲的家庭主婦, 但在重要關頭時, 卻對她們的貢獻不加表彰

〈 1.take off脫去 〉

*As it got warmer,I put off my overcoat.天氣暖和了些,我脫去了大衣。


*Never put off till tomorrow what may he done today.今天可以幹的事絕不要拖到明天。

*The concert had to be put off because the main singer was ill.由于主要歌唱演員病了,音樂會不得為延期。

*He had to put off his trip to Japan for two weeks.他只好把去日本的行期推遲兩週。


*The slightest noise puts me off when I am concentrating.當我精神高度集中的時候,很輕的聲音都會使我注意力分散。

*I don't like people talking when I'm writing a letter;it puts me off.我寫信時不喜歡別人談話,那會使我分心。


*Don't be put off by his appearance;he's nice when you get to know him.不要對他的外表反感,當你與他熟悉後,你會覺得他為人很好。

*Don't let his rough manners put you off.不要對他的粗魯態度不高興。

*I was very hungry but the smell of rotten eggs put me off.我非常餓,但臭雞蛋味使我倒胃口。

*I was rather put off by the shamelessness of his proposal.我對他的無恥建議深感不安。

5.move out to sea出海航行

*They put off in small boats to meet the coming ship.他們分乘小船出海去迎接那只大船。


*He put her off with the excuse that he had too much work to do.他以有很多工作要做為借口來搪塞她。

*They refused to have their demands put off.他們不許人家對他們的要求加以搪塞。

7.discourage sb.or cause sb.to lose interest in sth.使洩氣;阻止;勸阻

*I wanted to say something,but her face quite put me off.我本來要說幾句,但看到她的神情,又沒有勇氣開口了。

8.let or make sb.get out of a vehicle讓人下車

*Ask the conductor to put you off at the next stop.告訴售票員在下一站讓你下車。

9.get rid of丟棄;拋掉

*He decided to put off all personal considerations and accept the task assigned to him.他決定拋棄一切個人打算,接受交給他的任務。

*He had put off all personal cares.他已擺脫了一切個人的煩惱。

10.send to sleep;anaesthetize使入睡;使麻醉

*This medicine will soon put you off.這種藥會使你迅速入睡。

KK 音標
〔 ʃIft 〕
〔 ʃift 〕

〈 shift 〉



shift.ed, shift.ing, shifts


1 調換; 轉移

shifted assignments among the students 學生彼此交換作業

2 調動位置; 改變位置

3 更換 (位置, 地點)

4 (車子) 換擋



1 更換; 更動 (位置, 方向, 地方)

2 a. 自足; 過活

"See me safe up: for my coming down, I can shift for myself." (Thomas More)不用擔心: 我雖衰老, 但仍能設法過活

b. 以騙術過活

3 換擋


5 (打字機, 電腦) 鍵盤的「shift」鍵 (可將字母改為大寫)


1 代替; 代班

2 a. 輪班

b. 輪值

worked the night shift 輪夜班

3 a. 權宜之計

b. 計謀; 詐欺

4 方向的改變

a shift in the wind 風向的改變

5 (態度, 想法的) 改變

6 位置的轉變


b.『美式足球』 (橄欖球) (搶球時) 位置的排列






a. 語言語音的轉變

b. 詞性的轉換

9 a. 一件式的寬鬆衣服

b. 舊式的一件式的婦女內衣



KK 音標
〔 ʃʌv 〕
〔 ʃʌv 〕

〈 shove 〉


shoved, shov.ing, shoves


1 推, 推動

2 猛力推開




shove off

1 把船推離岸邊

2 〔口語〕 離開


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