

英漢字典: 擊退

beat back

〈 1.defeat in a fight;repel擊退 〉

*He fought off three men who attacked him.他打退了3個襲擊他的人。

*Our troops have fought the invaders off.我們的部隊已擊退了侵略者。

*The boat's crew fought off the attack of the octopus.船上水手們擊退了大章魚的襲擊。

2. drive away with effort趕走;努力擺脫;驅除

*Although the girl tried to fight him off,in the end she was caught by him.雖然這女孩努力擺脫他,但最後還是讓他抓住了。

*She fought off her drowsiness and went on with her reading.她盡力驅趕睡意,繼續讀書。

*We can fight off a cold by taking aspirin.我們可以服用阿斯匹林來治療感冒。

KK 音標
〔 rIˋpєl 〕
〔 riˊpel 〕

〈 re.pel 〉


re.pelled, re.pell.ing, re.pels


1 擋開; 驅逐; 擊退

repel insects 趕走昆蟲

2 抵抗;反抗

repel an invasion 反抗侵略

3 拒絕接受; 拒絕

a company that was trying to repel a hostile takeover公司試圖拒絕懷著敵意的接管者

4 拒斥; 嗤之以鼻

5 使厭惡; 使感到不愉快

Her rudeness repels everyone. 她的粗野令每個人厭惡

6 抗拒; 無法吸收; 無法混合

Oil repels water. 油不能溶於水


Electric charges of the same sign repel one another.同性的電荷互相排斥


1 產生排斥力

2 引起厭惡; 令人不愉快

behavior that repels 令人不愉快的行為



KK 音標
〔 rIˋpʌls 〕
〔 riˊpʌls 〕

〈 re.pulse 〉


1 擊退; 驅逐

2 拒絕, 回絕

3 使厭惡, 使反感


擊退; 拒絕


KK 音標
〔 rIˋpʌlʃәn 〕
〔 riˊpʌlʃәn 〕

〈 re.pul.sion 〉


1 厭惡, 反感

2 擊退, 驅逐

3『物理』推斥作用, 排斥力


〈 1.reduce(the price of a commodity)to a former level 使(物價等)全面回落;降到原有水平 〉

*Drastic measures have been taken to roll back commodity prices.已採取有力措施全面回落物價。

2.repel;cause to fall back擊退

*We were confident that we could roll back the enemy forces that barred our way.我們深信能擊退堵擊我們的敵軍。

*The new administration is confident of rolling back the tide of unrest which is sweeping the country.新政府自信能擊退這股席卷全國的動亂浪潮。

3.(a time in the past) return steadily to sb 's consciousness回到某人記憶中;漸漸回憶起過去某一段時間的事情

*As the grandmother spoke,the years rolled back and she saw herself as a small girl again.當祖母講話時,過去的歲月逐漸回到記憶中來,她仿佛看到自己又是一個小孩子了。
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