〈 fall 〉
fell, fall.en, fall.ing, falls
1 落下
2 跌落; 跌倒
I fell back in my chair. 我跌坐在椅上
The pilgrims fell to their knees. 朝聖者跪了下來
3 a. 突然倒下
b. (在戰場上) 受傷, 戰死
4 落下; 降臨
All grief fell from our hearts. 所有悲傷從心頭落下
Night fell quickly. 夜幕迅速低垂
5 休止; 靜止
The light fell on my book. 光線落在我的書本上
6 垂
The child's hair fell in ringlets. 小孩的頭髮卷卷地垂下
7 下垂
Her eyes fell. 她視線垂落下來
8 露出 (驚訝, 失望的) 表情
His face fell when he heard the report. 當他聽到那個報導時, 他面露驚訝
9 被攻陷; 淪淊
The city fell after a long siege 在長期的圍攻之下那城市被攻陷了
10 a. 失敗; 毀滅
After 300 years the dynasty fell. 三百年後那個王朝就毀滅了
b. 下台
The disgraced prime minister fell from power. 那個聲名狼藉的首相喪失政權
11 (坡度) 斜向
The rolling hills fall gently toward the coast. 起伏的山丘逐漸緩降到海岸
12 a. 減低
The air pressure is falling. 氣壓正在降低
b. (價值) 下跌
Last year, stock prices fell sharply. 去年股票的價格迅速下跌
c. 減輕
The patient's weight fell away rapidly. 病人的體重迅速地減輕
13 減低 (音高, 音量)
My friend's voice fell to a whisper. 我朋友的聲音減低到耳語的程度
14 a. 受誘惑; 犯罪
b. 失真
15 處於 (特別的情況)
fell silent 變得鴉雀無聲
fall in love 戀愛
16 發生 (在特別時間)
New Year's Day falls on Tuesday this year. 今年的新年是在星期二
17 發生 (在特別的地點)
The stress falls on the last sylable. 重音落在最後的音節上
18 (偶然地) 來
19 a. 被授與 (任務)
The greatest task fell to me. 最艱鉅的任務落在我身上
b. (依權利, 繼承) 被給予
20 在…範圍內
The specimens fall into three categories. 樣品分成三類
21 接觸; 遇到
My gaze fell on a small book in the corner.我的視線落到角落的一本小書
22 發出
Insincere compliments fell from their lips. 違心的恭維出自他們的嘴唇
23 (精力充沛地) 開始
fell to work immediately 立刻開始工作
24 (尤指綿羊) 出生
砍下; 砍
1 落下
2 突然俯身低下
3 落下的東西
a fall of hail 下冰雹
4 a. 落下的量
a fall of two inches of rain 兩英吋的降雨量
b. 落下的距離
The victim suffered a fall of three stories to the ground. 罹難者從三樓掉到地上
5 秋天
6 (常作 falls; 與單數或複數動詞連用) 瀑布
7 傾斜; 斜坡
8 a. (婦女的) 帽紗
b. (通常位於衣領) 裝飾的項飾
c. (婦女的) 長假髮
9 a. 推翻; 瓦解
the fall of a government 政府的瓦解
b. 淪陷
the fall of Dien Bien Phu 奠邊府的陷落
10 (價值, 數量, 程度) 減低
11 貶降; 貶抑
"turned them in, set them up for prosecution; positioned them, as it were, for the fall" (Joan Didion) 把他們送交審判, 準備起訴; 好像是在貶抑他們
12 a. 墮落
b. 失貞
13 (常作 Fall)『神學』人類的墮落
a. (也作 pin) 把摔角對手的肩膀壓在地上的動作
b. 角力策略的運用
a. (甲板平台的) 上升, 中止
b. (常作 falls) 用來轉運貨物的設備; 用來舉起救生船的設備
16 (裝在滑車上的) 通索
17 a. (綿羊的) 出生
b. 一窩動物
18 一群山鷸
19『植物』(鳶尾花的) 花被
fall apart
破壞; 倒塌
The rickety chair fell apart. 這張不穩的椅子倒塌下來
He fell apart after years as a POW. 在數年的戰俘生活之後他崩潰了
fall away
1 疏遠; 拋棄
2 減少; 消失
3 偏離; 背叛
fall back
1 撤退; 退卻
2 退潮
The waves fell back. 浪潮退了回去
fall behind
1 趕不上; 落後
2 (付款) 拖欠
fall down
達不到預期的效果; 表現落後
fell down on the job 工作延誤
fall for
1 愛上
2 被騙
fell for the con artist's scheme and lost $200,000 被假藝術家的計謀騙取二十萬美元
fall in
1 (軍隊) 集合; 排隊
2 (屋頂, 牆壁等) 陷落; 塌陷
The roof of the old barn fell in. 舊榖倉的屋頂陷了進去
fall off
1 變少; 減低
Stock prices have fallen off. 股票價格已經下跌
The number of staff meetings fell off after a few months. 幹部會議的次數在幾個月之後減少了
fall on [upon]
1 (突然地, 惡毒地) 攻擊
Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol. 狙擊兵和非正規軍猛攻倒霉的巡邏隊
2 遭遇; 碰到
a stockbroker who fell on hard times 一個遭遇低迷景氣的股票經紀人
fall out
1 a. 離營集合
b. 離隊
2 吵架
The siblings fell out over their inheritance. 這些兄弟姐妹們為繼承方面的問題起了爭執
3 發生
fall through
Our plans fell through at the last minute. 我們的計劃在最後關頭失敗了
fall to
(很有活力地) 開始
"The press fell to with a will." (Russell Baker) 徵兵行動如火如荼地展開
fall back on [upon]
1 依賴
fall back on old friends in time of need 在急需之時依賴老朋友
2 依靠
I had to fall back on my savings when I was unemployed. 我在沒有工作時得依靠我的積蓄
fall between (the) two stools
陷於兩難; 不知所措
fall flat
1 完全失敗
2 毫無效果
The jokes fell flat. 那些笑話沒有引起任何反應
fall foul [afoul]
1『航海』(船隻) 相撞
2 抵觸
fell foul of the law 與法律相抵觸
fall from grace
失勢; 失寵
fall into line
與…步調一致; 贊同
fall in with
1 同意; 與…調和
Their views fall in with ours. 他們的意見與我們的一致
2 參加; 結交
fell in with the wrong crowd 加入錯誤的團體
fall on deaf ears
充耳不聞; 完全忽視
"Moscow's own familiar charges...will also fall on deaf ears." (Foreign Affairs) 莫斯科本身慣常的要求將也會被完全忽視
fall over backward(s)
拼命做; 過於心急
We fell over backward to complete the project on time. 我們過於心急地想在既定時間內完成計劃
fall over (oneself)
fell over themselves to impress the general's wife 他們為了獲得將軍夫人的好印象表現得過分熱心
fall prey to
a person who fell prey to swindlers 被騙子給騙了的人
did not want the country to fall prey to terrorists 不要讓國家遭受恐佈分子的脅迫
fall short
1 達不到 (目標)
an athlete whose skill fell far short of expectations 技巧無法符合期望的運動員
2 缺乏
Our supplies of sugar and rice fell short. 我們糖和米的供應不足
fall through the cracks
被忽略; 未經檢查
"Much of the wisdom...seems to have fallen through the cracks." (Boston Globe)許多智慧似乎已被忽略
KK 音標 | 〔 flIp 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 flip 〕 |
〈 flip 〉
flipped, flip.ping, flips
1 輕拋, 輕擲
flipped me the ball 把球輕擲給我
flipped his hair out of his eyes 將他的頭髮輕輕甩離眼睛
2 拋向空中使翻轉
flip a coin 將硬幣拋向空中
3 a. 敏捷翻轉
flip over a card 敏捷地翻牌
flipped the record to play the other side 將唱片翻面
b. 翻
flipped the pages of the report 翻看報告
4 輕拍
5 快速的動作
flip a switch 快速拉動開關
flipped open her briefcase 迅速打開她的公事包
1 翻覆
The canoe flipped over in the rapids. 獨木舟在湍流中翻覆
2 在空中翻觔斗
3 翻轉扭動
fish flipping about in the net 在網中翻騰跳動的魚
4 輕捷地移動
The lid flipped open. 蓋子猝然打開
5 翻; 瀏覽
flipped through the catalogue 瀏覽目錄
6 〔俚語〕
a. (常與 out 連用) 發狂
b. 欣喜若狂, 入迷
She flipped over the new car. 她對那輛新車相當著迷
1 a. 輕拍; 輕彈
b. 抖動
a flip of the wrist 手腕抖動
c. 觔斗
2 〔口語〕 反轉, 觔斗
3 (用各種酒及蛋混合成的) 飲料, 香甜燙酒
flip.per, flip.pest
〔口語〕 不相干的; 不適切的
a flip answer to a serious question 與一個嚴重問題不相干的答案
flip (one's) lid
1 憤怒不已; 欣喜若狂
2 發狂
〈 flip 〉
牛奶雞蛋酒, 香甜熱酒
〈 flip 〉
油腔滑調的, 言語輕浮的