

英漢字典: 英尺

KK 音標
〔 fUt 〕
〔 fut 〕




pl. feet

1 腳

2 足部

3 a. 底部

the foot of a mountain 山腳

the foot of a page 頁的底部

b. (與頭部, 頂部, 前面) 相反的另一端

the foot of a bed 床尾

the foot of a parade 遊行隊伍的末端

c. (家具的) 腳

d. 縫衣機的針端處



4 較差的部分; 較低的等級

at the foot of the class 在班上墊後

5 (長襪, 長靴的) 足部

6 a. 步伐

walks with a light foot 以輕快的步伐行走

b. 速度; 動量; 步調

"the only other Democrats who've demonstrated any foot till now." (Michael Kramer) 到目前為止唯一採取行動的民主黨員

7 (與複數動詞連用) 步兵

A regiment of foot are descending the hill. 一團的步兵正走下山丘

8 韻腳; 音步

9 〔縮〕 ft. ft


相當於 12 英吋, 0.3048公尺

10 (常作 foots) 沈澱物; 渣滓


footed, footing, foots


1 (常和 it 連用) 行走; 步行

When their car broke down, they had to foot it the rest of the way. 他們的車拋錨後, 他們必須走完其餘的路程

2 (常和 it 連用) 跳舞

"We foot it all the night / weaving olden dances." (William Butler Yeats) 我們跳了整個晚上的舞 / 踩著古老的舞步

3『航海』 航行


1 走; 踏

2 跳 (舞步)

3 合計

footed up the bill 合計帳單總額

4 支付

footed the expense of their children's education 支付他們小孩的教育費用

5 穿上足部 (襪子等)


at (someone's) feet


best foot forward


He always has his best foot forward when speaking to his constituents. 他跟他的選民說話時, 總是保持最好的形象

Put your best foot forward during an employment interview. 在求職面試時, 要給人最好的第一印象

feet of clay

根本的弱點; 致命的錯誤

"They discovered to their vast discomfiture that their idol had feet of clay, after placing him upon a pedestal." (James Joyce) 他們把他們的偶像大捧特捧之後, 他們才困窘地發現他們的偶像有致命的弱點

foot in the door


1 起點; 機會

2 入門

have one foot in the grave

〔口語〕 離死不遠; 將死

on (one's) feet

1 站起來

The crowd was on its feet for the last ten seconds. 群眾在最後十秒鐘時站了起來

2 康復

The patient is on her feet again. 病人再度恢復健康了

3 穩定的經營狀態

put the business back on its feet after years of mismanagement 挽回多年經營不善的事業

4 臨時地; 即席地

"Politicians provide easy targets for grammatical nitpickers bacause they have to think on their feet." (Springfield MA Morning Union)政治家在言談上很容易讓人挑剔毛病, 因為他們必須即席地思考

on the right foot

好兆頭地, 好的開始

The project started off on the right foot but soon ran into difficulties. 這項計劃有好的開始, 但很快就陷入了困境

on the wrong foot


The project started off on the wrong foot. 這項計劃出師不利

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