KK 音標 | 〔 ˋblʌndZˏbʌs 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 ˊblʌndәbʌs 〕 |
〈 blun.der.buss 〉
〈 boob 〉
1 失敗, 過失
2 笨蛋, 傻子
3 乳房(女人的)
失敗, 犯錯
〈 fool 〉
1 傻瓜; 愚人
2 (行為不明智的) 呆瓜
I was a fool to have refused the job. 我拒絕了這份工作, 真是呆瓜一個
3 容易上當受騙的人
They made a fool of me by pretending I won the award. 他們假裝我贏得了獎品來愚弄我
4 〔口語〕 對某活動擅長的人; 對某活動熱愛的人; 痴人
a dancing fool 愛跳舞的人
a fool for skiing 喜歡滑雪成痴的人
5 宮廷小丑; 弄臣
6 (煮過的水果加上鮮奶油, 調味醬製成的) 冷式甜點
7 〔古〕 白痴; 智障者
fooled, fooling, fools
1 欺騙
"trying to learn how to fool a trout with a little bit of floating fur and feather" (Charles Kuralt) 試著學習怎麼用一點皮毛及羽毛去騙鱒魚上鉤
2 使迷惑; 使驚喜
We were sure they would fail, but they fooled us. 我們確信他們一定會失敗, 但他們卻讓我們跌破眼鏡
1 〔口語〕
a. 說笑話; 開玩笑
I was just fooling when I said you couldn't have any of my candy. 我說你不能拿我的糖果, 只是個玩笑而已
b. 舉止滑稽; 扮小丑
c. 假裝
He said he had a toothache but it turned out he was only fooling. 他說他牙疼, 結果原來是假裝的
2 虛度光陰; 無所事事
3 玩弄; 亂忙
shouldn't fool with matches 不應該亂玩火柴
〔口語〕 傻的; 笨的
off on some fool errand or other 出去幹什麼傻事或其它的
fool around
1 〔口語〕 懶散地工作, 拖拖拉拉
was fooling around with some figures in hopes of balancing the budget 隨便算個數字, 希望預算能平衡
2 虛度光陰; 玩樂
3 雜交
fool away
虛擲光陰; 浪費金錢
fooled away the week's pay on Friday night 週五晚上把一週的工資全花光
play (act) the fool
1 表現愚蠢
2 舉止引人發笑
〈 fool 〉
奶油果蓉, 奶油拌果泥
KK 音標 | 〔 ˋIdIәt 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 ˊidiәt 〕 |
〈 id.i.ot 〉
傻瓜, 笨蛋, 白癡
〈 sap.head 〉
蠢人, 笨蛋, 傻瓜
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