

英漢字典: 辦法

KK 音標
〔 ˋmєθәd 〕
〔 ˊmeθәd 〕

〈 meth.od 〉



1 方法; 方式; 做法

a simple method for making a pie crust 餡餅片的一種簡易做法

mediation as a method of solving disputes 以和解作為解決爭端之方法

2 條理; 規律

random efforts that lack method 缺乏條理及漫無目標的努力

3 (專門的) 程序, 技巧

This field course gives an overview of archaeological method.野外課程提供了一個考古程序的概觀

4 (常作 Method) 體驗派表演方法

KK 音標
〔 we 〕
〔 wei 〕

〈 way 〉



1 a. 路; 小徑

b. 管道; 方法

This door is the only way into the attic.這扇門是進入閣樓的唯一管道

2 a. 路線

cleared the way for the parade 疏清遊行的路線

b. 前進的機會

opened the way to peace 為和平開路

3 通路

tried to find the shortest way home 試著找回家的捷徑

4 旅途

on his way north 在他往北的旅途上

5 做法

tried to take the easy way out 試著用簡單的做法

6 手段; 方法

several ways of solving this problem 這問題有數種解決方法

had no way to reach her 沒有找到她的方法

7 方式

the American way of life 美式的生活方式

8 個人的行為模式

Have it your own way. 用你自己的方式解決

9 〔也作 ways; 與單數動詞連用) 〔口語〕 距離; 路程

The travelers have come a long way. 旅人已走過了相當遠的路程

That village is a good ways off. 那村莊在好一段距離之外

10 a.方向

He glanced my way. 他看著我的方向

b. 參與者

a three-way conversation 三方面的對談

11 a. 方面

resembles his father in many ways 在很多方面很像他的父親

in no way comparable 無法比擬的

b. 本質

not much in the way of a plot 不太像一般的劇情

12 隨心所欲

if I had my way 如果能隨心所欲

13 資質; 能力

She certainly does have a way with words. 她對文字有特殊才能

14 情況; 狀況

He is in a bad way financially. 他財政狀況不佳

15 鄰近; 附近

Drop in when you're out our way. 當你路經我家附近時請順道來訪

16 (常作 ways) 經線 (指示機器的移動)

17 (常作 ways)『航海』下水台



1 差距很大

way off base 和根本差多了

way over budget 超出預算

2 離開

Go way. 走開


by way of

1 經由; 經過

flew to the Far East by way of the polar route 經由北極航線到遠東

2 當作

made no comment by way of apology 以緘默當作道歉

go out of one's (the) way


in a way

1 有幾分; 有些

I like the new style, in a way. 我有些喜歡這種新式樣

2 就某觀點而言

In a way, you're right. 就某些觀點而言, 你是對的

in the way


on one's (the) way


She is on her way out the door. 她正要出門

Winter is on the way. 冬天到了

on the way


met him on the way to town 在進城的路上碰到他

ran into them on the way 在路上巧遇他們

out of the way

1 不妨礙

2 處理

some details to get out of the way first 要先處理掉一些瑣事

3 偏僻的

4 奇特的

5 差錯; 不適當的

said nothing out of the way 說話得體

KK 音標
〔 aIˋdiә,aIˋdIә 〕
〔 aiˊdiә 〕

〈 i.de.a 〉



1 思想; 概念

2 意見, 原則

has some strange political ideas 有一些怪異的政治主張

3 計劃, 方法

4 要旨, 要領

The idea is to finish the project on time and under budget.要點是準時完成計劃並且不超出預算

5 假想, 幻想



a. (柏拉圖的) 理念

b. (康德的) 純粹理性概念

c. (黑格爾的) 絕對真理




KK 音標
〔 minz 〕
〔 mi:nz 〕

〈 means 〉

《源自 mean》【名詞】

(pl. ~)

1 (C)

a. 方法,手段 (way) [of, to]

a ~ to an end


a ~ of communication [transport]

通訊 [交通] 工具

a ~ of livelihood


a ~ of improving the traffic situation


by fair ~


by fair ~ or foul


The end justifies the ~. (

諺)目的使手段正當化了; 只問目的,不擇手段

b. 〈做…的〉方法,手段

Do you know of any ~ to get there?.


2 (源自“生活的手段”的意思) 資力,收入,財產,財富

a man of ~


a man of no ~


live within [beyond] one's ~

過著量入為出 [入不敷出] 的生活

by all means

(1) 必定,一定

I will come by all ~.


(2) [加強回答的語氣] 當然可以,請

"May I come ?"-"By all ~.".


by any means [

用于否定句] 無論如何 (也…)

I don't think you can persuade him by any ~.


by means of


We express our thoughts by ~ of words.


by no manner of means = by no MEANS

by no means

決不…; 絕非…

It is by no ~ easy to satisfy everyone.


by some means or other


They had to get through the jungle by some ~ or other.


KK 音標
〔 ˋmєʒZ 〕
〔 ˊmeʒә 〕

〈 measure 〉



〔縮〕 meas.

1 (量得的) 尺寸, 大小, 分量

2 測量的標準

The standard kilogram is maintained as a measure of mass.公斤是重物的測量標準

3 測量單位 (如英吋, 一日的行程)

4 測量系統 (如公制單位)

5 測量的工具

6 測量

7 (比較的) 基準

"the final measure of the worth of a society" (Joseph Wood Krutch)社會價值最後的基準

8 範圍; 等級

The problem was in large measure caused by his carelessness.這個問題大部份是他的粗心所致

9 定量

a measure of wine 定量的酒

10 適度

a measure of recognition 適度的表彰

11 限量

a measure of good-will 善意的表現

12 限制; 界限

generosity knowing no measure 非常地寬大

13 適度, 適當

"The union of...fervor with measure, passion with correctness, this surely is the ideal." (William James)適當的熱情與適切的情感, 才是理想的典型

14 (常作 measures) 手段; 策略

desperate measures 激烈的手段

15 法案; 議案

16 詩的音步

17『音樂』拍子; 小節


measured, measur.ing, measures


1 測量

measured the height of the ceiling 測量天花板的高度

2 標記; 區分

measure off an area 區劃出一塊地區

3 評價; 判斷

"I gave them an account...of the situation as far as I could measure it." (Winston S. Churchill)我就我所知的, 提供給他們情況的報告

4 比較; 較量

She measured her power with that of a dangerous adversary.她將她的力量和危險的對手作個比較

5 a. 區分; 劃分

measure out a pint of milk 分好一品脫的牛奶

b. 分配; 給予 (賞罰)

The revolutionary tribunal measured out harsh justice.革命法庭給予了嚴厲的制裁

6 用以測量

The inch measures length. 吋是用來測量長度的

7 仔細思考; 深思熟慮

He measures his words with caution. 他慎審地思量他的一字一句


"We must measure twenty miles today." (Shakespeare)我們今天必須前進二十哩


1 測得

The room measures 12 by 20 feet. 這房間測得為 12x20 呎

2 測量

3 易於測量

White sugar measures more easily than brown. 白糖比褐糖更易於測量

measure up

1 相等

2 符合 (資格)

a candidate who just didn't measure up 不符合資格的候選人


beyond measure

1 過度地

2 無節制地

for good measure

額外的事物; 另外

in a (some) measure


The new law was in a measure harmful. 這項新法案多少有些害處


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