

英漢字典: come in

1. enter;arrive;start進入;到達;開始

    When did the train come in?火車何時到達?

2. become seasonable上市;到成熟季節

    Watermelons will come in soon. 西瓜不久就會上市了。

3. take a place in a competition (比賽)獲得…名

    He came in third in the singing competition. 他在歌詠比賽中得了第3名。

4. become fashionable流行;時髦;時興起來

    When did the fashion for short skirts come in?什麼時候時興穿短裙的?

5. be elected to power;gain power 上台;執政

    The socialists came in at the last election. 社會黨人在最近選舉中當選。

6. rise(of the tide)(潮水)升漲

    The tide is coming in. 正在漲潮。

7. have one's place or work;serve a purpose起作用;做一份工作

    I understand the scheme perfectly,but I don't see where I come in. 我完全了解這個計劃,但是我不知道我能起什麼作用。

    Don't throw these old newspapers away;they may come in for something or other. 不要把舊報紙扔掉,它們可能會有某種用處的。

8. be received as income收入

    The family has $5,000 coming in monthly. 這個家庭每月收入5000美元。

9. exist;be present存在;出現

    Where does the joke come in?好笑在什麼地方?

    That's where the trouble comes in. 麻煩就出在這裡。

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