

英漢字典: come into

1. enter;join進入;參加

    A good idea has just come into my mind. 我剛想了一個好主意。

    Trees will come into leaf soon. 樹不久就要吐綠了。

2. receive as income;receive as inheritance得到收入;繼承(財產)

    When did he come into possession of those rare books?他什麼時侯得到那些珍本的?

    He has come into a lot of money from his uncle's estate. 他從叔父的房產中繼承了一大筆錢。

3. begin to be in a state or activity 進入某種狀態

    New laws to control rising prices have recently come into force. 控制物價上漲的新法律最近生效了。

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