

英漢字典: come to

1. amount to;reach共計;總數為

    The bill comes to ten million dollars. 預算總計1000萬美元。

    The amounts you have spent will come to a large sum. 你花去的錢將是一個大數目。

2. regain consciousness;recover from ill temper and become happy again恢復知覺;重新愉快起來

    The doctor applied some medicine and he began to come to. 醫生用藥後,他開始恢復知覺。

    He will come to soon after the operation. 手術後不久他就會醒來。

    Father was in a very bad temper this morning,but he had come to by dinner time. 上午父親情緒極壞,但是到吃晚飯時他又高興起來了。

3. succeed in得到…結果;有出息

    The boy has no character. He will never come to much. 這個男孩沒有個性,將來不會有大的作為。

    If you go on like this,you will come to nothing. 如果你繼續這樣下去,你將一事無成。

4. speak of談到

    The school has good teachers,but when it comes to buildings,it is poor. 這個學校的師資力量很強,但是論建築物,卻很差。

    When it comes to mathematics,I'm completely at sea. 說到數學,我完全是門外漢。

5. arrive at as a result;result in 達成;結果是

    Then they came to an agreement. 接著,他們達成了協議。

    It comes to the same thing. 結果都一樣。

6. signify;become realized by意味著;意思是;開始被…所認識

    What you say comes to this:you don't agree with us. 你說的無非是你不同意我們的意見。

    The concert didn't come to our expectations. 音樂會沒有我們期望的那麼好。

    What your explanation comes to is that you can't accept our invitation. 你的解釋無非是說你不能接受我們的邀請。

    In a flash the truth came to me. 突然間我明白了事情真相。

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