

英漢字典: fall in with

fall in with   (TTS發音)

1. meet sb. by chance 偶遇

    On our trip we fell in with some interesting people.在這次旅行中我們遇見了一些有趣的人。

    We fell in with some French tourists from the same hotel. 我們結識了住在同一旅館的幾位法國旅遊者。

2. join;associate oneself with 同…合伙;聯合

    He has fallen in with some strange people. 他跟一些奇怪的人勾搭上了。


    As soon as he recovered,the soldier fell in with his company. 這戰士一恢復健康,就回連隊去了。

4. accept;agree with接受;同意

    I have decided to fall in with your plan. 我已決定接受你的計劃。

    He will fall in with any suggestion that involves eating and drinking. 他對任何關于吃喝方面的建議都會接受的。

    She fell in with my views at once. 她立即同意了我的觀點。

5. coincide with;match 與…協調;相稱

    The colour of your coat doesn't seem to fall in with your complexion. 你的上衣的顏色與你的膚色不協調。

    The idea you put to us fell in exactly with what we our ourselves had in mind.你提出的主意正好與我們頭腦裡想的一樣。

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