

英漢字典: fall off

1. fall from 跌落

    When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off. 學騎自行車時,經常會摔下來。

2. decline in number; lessen in intensity 數量下降;削減

    Attendance at church has fallen off this summer. 今夏去教堂的人已減少。

    Our sales have fallen off seriously during the past six months. 我們的銷售額在過去的6個月中猛減了。

    The number of passengers fell off slightly in January. 一月份乘客數量略有減少。

3.decrease;decline in quality降低;衰退;質量下降

    Their enthusiasm seems to be falling off a bit. 他們的熱情似乎小了一點。

    His support has greatly fallen off. 他的支持明顯減少。

    The service in this restaurant has been falling off for a long time. 這個飯店的服務質量長時間來一直在下降。

    Your cooking is falling off. 你的烹飪技術越來越不行了。

    The quality of the products of this factory has fallen off. 這個工廠的產品質量已經下降。

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