

英漢字典: for all the world

for all the world   (TTS發音)

1. for anything;for any price無論如何;無論何價

    I would not change places with him for all the world. 我無論如何不和他換位子。

    I told him that I would not change my mind for all the world. 我告訴他,我無論如何也不會改變主意的。

2. just exactly的確;完全

    The baby is for all the world like its father. 這嬰兒完全像他的父親。

    You look for all the world like the nurse in our hospital. 你看上去非常象我們醫院裡的一位護士。

    This case looks for all the world like the one we just concluded. 這個案件跟我們剛才了結的那個案件完全相同。

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