

英漢字典: get about

1. go or travel from place to place 來往各處;旅行

    People are getting about much more than they used to. 人們比以前旅行多得多了。

    John gets about all over Europe,even though he hasn't got a car. 盡管約翰沒有汽車,但他遊遍了歐洲。

    With trains,ships and planes,people can get about much more easily nowadays. 如今有了火車、輪船和飛機,人們往來各處就方便多了。

2. be able to move again after illness ; walk; go about(病後又能)走動;到處走動

    He was ill last week,but he is getting about now. 他上週病了,但現在能走動了。

    Old people can't get about very well in the winter weather. 在冬季,老人走路不大方便。

    For some months after her accident she had to get about on crutches. 那次事故以後好幾個月,她不得不依靠拐杖走路。

    All this snow and ice makes it difficult for people to get about. 冰天雪地使人難以走動。

3. (of news, etc. ) spread(新聞等)傳播開

    The news of his resignation soon got about. 他辭職的消息很快就傳開了。

    The story has got about everywhere. 這事傳遍了各處。

    Let's prevent the rumour from getting about. 讓我們防止謠言到處傳播。

    How did the story of her marriage getabout?她結婚的消息是怎樣傳開的?

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