

英漢字典: get back at

get even with ;give tit for tat to;gain revenge on 對…報復;對…報仇

    John played a joke on Henry,and the next day Henry got back at him. 約翰戲弄了亨利,第2天亨利就回報了他。

    The elephant waited many years to get back at the man who fed him red pepper. 這頭大象等了許多年報復了喂它紅辣椒的人。

    She'll get back at him for telling everybody her secret!她將對他進行報復,因為他把她的秘密洩露給了所有的人。

    It was wicked of her to spread those lies about him, but it was equally wrong of him to get back at her. 她散布這些謠言來傷害他,固然是惡劣的,但他因此對她進行報復,也同樣不對。

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