

英漢字典: get in

1. enter 進入

    I knew this case would be too small;I can't get all my clothes in. 我早就知道這個箱子太小,不能把我的衣服全都裝進去。

    He invited us to get in the car and go for a ride with him. 他請我們上車陪他乘車逛一趟。

    The rain can get in through this window. 雨水會從這扇窗戶打進來。

2. join 參加

    He has been trying for years to get in that club. 他多年來一直都想參加那個俱樂部。

3. arrive 到達

    What time does the train from Bei jing get in?從北京開來的火車何時進站?

    The train got in on time. 火車正點到達。

4. buy 買進

    We must get some wine in for the dinner party. 我們必須為晚宴買一些酒。

5. introduce;say sth. esp. by interrupting sb. else 插話

    He always gets his favourite story in when he makes a speech. 他在演講時總要穿插一點他最愛講的故事。

    He talked so fast that I couldn't get a word in. 他講得太快,我一句話也插不進。

6. plant;sow 種植;播種

    We must get next year's potatoes in before it is too late. 我們必須及時地把明年的馬鈴薯種下。

    We hope to get the seed in this week. 我們希望本週能把種子播下去。

7. (cause to) be elected(使)當選

    Do you think the Conservatives will get in?你認為保守黨會當選嗎?

    Their candidate got in all right. 他們的候選人順利當選了。

    He expects to get in at the next election. 他希望在下次選舉中當選。

8. be admitted(to school) 被接受(入學)

    We've registered our daughter at the new school, but as there's a long waitinglist I don't think she'll get in this year. 我們已經給女兒在那所新學校報了名,但報名的人很多,我想她今年進不去了。

    My son got in to the athletic school after a special test. 我兒子通過專門的考試進了那所體育學校。

9. gain an advantage by being the first or one of the first to do sth. 佔上風;佔優勢;捷足先登

    The supermarket got in first with cutprice cigarettes, so everyone buys them there now. 那家超級市場率先出售減價香煙佔了優勢,所以現在大家都到那兒去買煙。

10. collect(taxes,debts,information,etc. )收集(稅款、借款、情報等)

    We should get in all the debts due from the customers by the end of this year. 年底前我們要收回顧客到期未付的所有欠款。

    The company is trying to get in all its outstanding debts. 公司正設法收回全部積欠的債款。

    That firm went bankrupt because their bad debts couldn't be got in. 那家商行破產了,因為他們無法收回債款。

    The government gets the taxes in quite efficiently. 政府收稅相當有成效。

    11. bring in;gather(crops, a harvest,etc. )搬入;收進;收獲(莊稼等)

    The students in grade two went to the school farm to get in the crops last week. 上週二年級的學生去校農場收割莊稼。

    Have you got the washing in? It's starting to rain. 快下雨了,你把洗好的衣服收進來了嗎?

    He got the chairs in from the garden before the rain started. 下雨前他把椅子從園中搬了進來。

12. summon in 請進來

    His temperature's gone down. I don't think it's necessary to get the doctor in. 他的體溫已降下來了。我認為沒有必要再請醫生來了。

    We must get somebody in to repair the television. 我們必須請人來修理電視機。

    She got the electrician in to check the wiring. 她請來了電工檢查線路。

13. (cause to) be involved in(使)卷入

    Stop gambling at cards or you'll get in debt more and more. 停止賭博,否則你就會在債務裡越陷越深。

    They have got you deep in this matter. 他們已使你深深地卷進了這件事情裡了。

14. bring in as a supply;put in stock 採購生活用品:進貨

    She always gets the groceries in for the whole week at a time. 她總是一次把一週的付食品買回來。

    I'll go out to get the coal in. 我將出去買煤。

    This store has just gotten in a new shipment of furs. 這家商店剛進了一船皮衣服。

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