

英漢字典: get out

1. leave a car;come or go out 下車;出來;出去

    I told the bus driver that I wanted to get out at the next stop. 我告訴汽車司機,我要在下一站下車。

    He took his cap and got out. 他拿了帽子出去了。

    He decided to get out while there was still time. 他決定趁還有點時間出去一趟。

2. remove(sth. with an effort);take out搬掉;去掉;拔掉

    I can't get this nail out;it's too tight. 我無法拔出這顆釘子,它太牢了。

    Can you help me with this wine bottle? I can't get the cork out. 你能幫我打開這個酒瓶嗎?我取不出這個木塞子。

    Did you get the stain out of your skirt?你裙子上的污蹟弄掉了嗎?

3. escape 逃脫

    The main pipe burst in the severe cold,and the gas has been getting out. 天太冷了,主管道爆裂,煤氣外洩。

    When the fighting broke out, George thought it better to get out before it was too late;so he came back to England. 戰鬥打響時,喬治認為他還是趁早離開的好,于是他就回到了英國。

    The prisoners could not find a way to get themselves out. 囚犯們無法找到一條逃生之路。

4. receive or gain得到

    When you take part in any performance, you get out as much as you put in. 參加任何工作,你都會得到與投入勞動相應的報酬。

    In most walks of life you only get out what you put in. 在大部分行業,你只能投入多少得到多少。

5. print or publish 出版

    Jim hopes to get his new book out before the end of the year. 吉姆想在年底之前出版他那本新書。

    When are you getting your next book out?你的下一本書何時出版呢?

6. borrow(from a library,etc. )(從圖書館等)借出

    I've got twelve books out for three months. 我借了12本書,借期為3個月。

7. leak out; become known unintentionally 漏出來;洩露

    How did the news of his appointment get out before it was officially made known?在正式公布之前他的任命消息是怎麼洩露的?

    If the secret gets out, there'll be trouble. 如果秘密洩露出去了,那將會有麻煩。

    Don't let it get out that I knew about it. 不要對別人說我知道那件事。

    Handle with care,or the sulphuric acid may get out. 小心輕放,否則硫酸會潑出來。

8. calculate;succeed in solving or finding the correct answer 計算成功地解決;解答出

    These days,scientists use computers to help them get out the difficult calculations concerning space travel. 科學工作者如今利用計算機幫助他們進行有關宇宙航行的復雜計算。

    He has been trying to get this sum out for half an hour,but he'll have to ask the teacher for help. 他一直在盡力解這道算術題,但還是不得不請教老師。

    Not a single student in the class got the problem out,班上無一人解出這道題。

9. speak with difficulty;manage to prouduce(困難地)說出;設法說出

    The speaker was so nervous that he could hardly get out more than a sentence. 演講者緊張得說不出一句完整的話。

Paul sometimes stutters. He can't get his words out. 保爾說話有時結巴,他無法把意思說清楚。

    She was so shocked that she couldn't get out a single word. 她感到大為震驚,連一句話也說不出來。

    He was very embarrassed, but somehow he got the apology out. 他很尷尬,但還是勉強說出了道歉的話。

10. prepare and present; make ready 編制並提出;準備好

    We managed to get the teaching plan out on time. 我們終于及時制定出了教學計劃。

    They've got out a very interesting scheme. 他們搞出了一個很有趣的方案。

    He'll get the car out and we can set off. 他把汽車開出來,我們就可以出發了。

    She got a bed out for her umexpected guest. 她為這位突然來到的客人準備了張床鋪。

11. save 拯救

    The house burnt down bat the soldiers managed to ger all the occupants out. 那幢房屋燒毀了,但是戰士們把裡面所有的人都救出來了。

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