

英漢字典: get through to

get through to   (TTS發音)

1. reach by telephone 接通(電話等)

    I can't get through to London;the lines are always busy. 我無法接通倫敦,因為老是佔線。

    I called you several times yesterday evening but couldn't get through to you. 昨天晚上我給你打了好幾次電話,但是都沒有打通。

2. (cause to)be understood by(使)被理解

    Few teachers can get through to students who don't,want to learn. 教師很難使自己講的東西被不想學的學生所理解。

    I explained once again,but I still couldn't get through to him. 我又解釋了一遍,但他仍然聽不懂。

3. (esp. in sports)reach(the next stage of a competition)(體育)進入下一比賽階段

    We were so pleased when our team got through to the last part of the competition. 我們隊進入了最後一輪比賽,我們很高興。

4. arrive successfully順利到達

    The news finally got through to us. 這消息終于傳到了我們這裡。

    The villagers were cut off by the flood,but the army managed to get supplies through to them. 由于鬧水災,村民們與外界失去了聯系,可是軍隊設法把給養運到他們那裡。

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