

英漢字典: get to

1. arrive at;reach the point of 到達;觸及

    The boat will only get you to the nearest island,and you have to make your own way from there. 這只小船只能把你帶到最近的一個島嶼,你得從那兒再自己走。

    We must get to the bottom of the matter. 對這個事情我們必須追根究底。

    They have got to the essence of things. 他們已經觸及到了事物的本質。

2. disappear 消失;不見了

    I don't know where my ring has got to;I hope it has not been stolen. 我不知道我的戒指到哪兒去了,但願不是被偷掉了。

3. start著手

    We must get to our work now. 現在我們得開始工作了。

4. be understood by 被理解

    I've tried to help the troublesome boy,but I can't seem to get to him. 我一直試圖幫助這個好惹事的男孩,但我似乎無法被他所理解。

5. have an effect on the feelings of (對人的情感)產生影響;感動

    His sad story really got to me,and I wanted to help him. 他的不幸經歷確實使我感動,我想幫助他。

    I think your accusation got to John. 我想你的控告對約翰是有影響的。

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