

英漢字典: get up

1. (cause to)arise from a bed(使)起床

    Please get up at five tomorrow. 明天請5點起床。

2. stand;rise from one's seat 由(座位等)站起來

    Few men these days get up to give a lady a seat on a bus. 如今幾乎沒有幾個男士在公共汽車上給女士讓座。

3. organize;plan 組織;籌劃

    The children are getting up a play for next week. 孩子們正組織下週的演出。

    The youth club is getting up a concert. 青年俱樂部正在籌備一場音樂會。

    The students have got up another petition against the building of a neclear power station. 學生們又一次組織了抗議建立核電站的請願活動。

    Our reading club is getting up a picnic for next month. 我們的讀書俱樂部正計劃下個月的野餐。

4. move to a higher level 爬高(坡)

    The hill was so steep that the old car had difficulty getting up. 此山太陡,這輛老車很難爬上去。

5. rise in position(在地位或職位上)晉升

    Thompson has got up in the world. 湯普森舉世聞名了。

6. dress up;make beautiful or attractive 打扮;裝扮

    The children were got up in their best ckitges on June 1. 孩子們在6月1日穿上了節日的盛裝。

    She gets herself up attractively like a girl of twenty. 她打扮得很迷人,象一個20歲的姑娘。

    They got grand father up as Father Christmas. 他們把爺爺打扮成了聖誕老人。

    The book has been got up very nicely by the designer. 設計師把這本書裝幀得非常漂亮。

7. study;memorize 學習;背熟

    I should get up my history for the test tomorrow. 我得背歷史準備明天的考試。

8. stimulate;rouse 激發;激起

    His rude manner really got my blood up. 他那無理的態度簡直把我的肺都要氣炸了。

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