

英漢字典: give out

1. send out(sound or light,etc. )產生(聲音、光等);散發

    The sun gives out light and heat to the earth. 太陽給大地以光和熱。

    Roses give out a sweet smell. 玫瑰花發出芬芳的氣息。

2. distribute 分給;散發

    The government gives out payments to people out of work. 政府給失業的人發放救濟金。

    Give out the papers ten minutes before the examination. 考前10分鐘發試卷。

    The children gave out flowers to the soldiers. 兒童向戰士們獻了鮮花。

    We saw a man giving out leaflets in the street. 我們看到一個人在街上散發傳單。

3. announce;declare;make known 宣布;公布;發表

    He has refused to give out any further information on the matter. 他拒絕就這一問題發表任何更多的消息。

    He gave out that the mayor had been elected. 他宣布新市長已經選出。

    The news of the event was given out over the radio. 關于這個事件的消息已通過電台發布了。

    It was given out that the strikers had decided to return to work,and place their dispute in the hands of their union. 據宣布,罷工者已決定復工,並決定將其爭端交給工會解決。

    The result of the examination will be given out this week. 考試成績將在本週公布。

4. be used up;become exhausted用完;耗盡;力竭

    When their ammunition gave out the enemy troops had to surrender. 當彈藥用完時,敵軍只好投降。

    His strength gave out after he ran that long distance. 跑完這麼一段長距離,他已精疲力竭。

    We had just reached home when the petrol gave out. 我們剛好到家,汽油用光了。

    His patience gave out long ago. 他的耐心早已消磨殆盡。

5. stop functioning 停止運轉;出故障;拋錨

    We were ten miles from Shanghai when the engine gave out. 我們在離上海還有10英裡時,發動機壞了。

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