

英漢字典: give way

1. retreat;make room;get out of the way 退卻;讓路

    Private cars should give way to an ambulance. 私人汽車應給救護車讓路。

    The enemy army is giving way before the cannon fire. 敵軍在砲火前撤退。

    John gave way to the old lady and let her pass. 約翰讓路給老太太過去。

    The crowd slowly gave way before the policeman. 警察迫近時,那群人便慢慢退後。

2. collapse 倒坍

    The walls gave way in the earthquake. 牆在地震時倒坍了。

    The wooden bridge gave way under the heavy load. 那座木橋因吃不住重壓而倒塌了。

    The river was so high that the dam gave way. 河水水位太高,堤壩崩潰了。

3. yield 屈服

    Her fear gave way to joy when she learned that the accident had not been serious. 她得知事故並不嚴重時喜形于色,不再恐懼。

    A deadlock was reached in the discussions,as neither side would give way to the other. 討論已陷入僵局,因為雙方互不讓步。

    Mary refused at first to marry him,but she gave way at last. 瑪麗最初拒絕嫁給他,但是她最後讓步了。

    We finally had to give way to his persuasion. 最後,我們聽從了他的勸告。

    You must not give way to his unreasonable demands or he will only make further demands. 你切不可對他的無理要求讓步,否則,他就會得寸進尺。

4. lose control of oneself;lose one's courage or hope忍不住;失去控制;失去勇氣

    She didn't give way during the flood,though she was very frightened. 她在洪水來臨時雖然很害怕,但是沒有失去自控。

    She forced herself not to give way to her emotions. 她極力克制自己的感情。

    He was so frightened that his legs gave way under him. 他嚇得兩腿發軟,站都站不起來。

5. allow oneself to be overcome by;allow to decide被…征服;聽憑決定

    Don't give way to despair. 不要被絕望所壓倒。

    She gave way to her husband in buying a new car. 她任她丈夫決定買部新車。

6. be replaced or succeeded by;give place to 讓位;轉變為

    The grey clouds gradually broke up and gave way to a blue sky. 烏雲漸漸消失,天晴了。

    As winter gave way to spring,the day began to lengthen. 冬天轉變為春天時,白天開始長了起來。

    Jealousy gave way to admiration of thir prowess. 人們已由嫉妒轉變到欽佩他們的傑出才幹。

    Sorrow gave way to joy. 傷心轉為喜悅。

    Black and white television has given way to colour television in popularity. 黑白電視已普遍為彩色電視所取代。

    When she saw the clowns,her tears gave way to laughter. 當她看到小醜演出時,破涕為笑。

    Her grief gave way to happiness as soon as she heard that her husband was still alive. 當她聽到她丈夫還活著時,她一下子轉悲為喜。

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