

英漢字典: go in

1. move indoors進入(室內)

    A servant opened the door and we went in. 僕人開了門,我們就進去了。

2. take an active part加入

    A tennis tournament took place in our school yesterday,but I didn't go in. 網球聯賽昨天在我校舉行,但我沒參加。

3. fit in(a space)適合于(某處)

    An ordinary nail won't go in a brick wall. 一般釘子釘不進磚牆去。

4. be understood被理解

    I keep trying to understand how a car engine works,but it doesn't seem to go in;am I stupid something?我一直很想了解一下汽車發動機的工作原理,但好象弄不懂。我是笨還是怎麼的?

5. (of the sun,etc. )disappear behind clouds(太陽等)被雲遮蔽

    At this time of year,when the sun goes in,it is suddenly much colder. 每年這個時候,當雲層遮住陽光,天氣突然間就冷多了。

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