

英漢字典: go on to

1. pass from one subject or item to the next轉入(下一個項目等)

    If nobody has any objection,then we'll go on to the next item. 如果沒有人有不同意見,我們就轉入下一個議程了。

    After a few minutes we went to the next station. 幾分鐘後我們繼續到了下一站。

2. adopt(as a new or temporary habit)採取(作為一種新的或暫時的習慣)

    The doctor told me that I would have to go on to a strict diet. 醫生囑咐我必須嚴格地按照規定的飲食進餐。

3. change working arrangements to把工作安排改成

    Because of depression,many big factories had to go on to short time or stop production altogether. 由于經濟不景氣,許多大工廠不得不減少工時,甚至完全停產。

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