

英漢字典: go through with

go through with   (TTS發音)

finish;do as planned or agreed;complete完成或結束某事;將某事堅持做到底

    The boy seems very determined about his plan. but his parents don't think he will go through with it. 這男孩似乎對他的計劃下了決心,但他的父母認為他完成不了。

    We are determined to go through with the undertaking. 我們決心完成這項任務。

    When will you be able to go through with the building of the bridge?你們什麼時候才能夠建成這座橋?

    Knowing very well the difficulties the work involved,they were still determined to go through with it. 他們充分認識到了那項工作的困難,但仍然下決心把它幹到底。

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